最近又有网友咨询到DEVCON 14167结构胶产品,记得之前的文章有提到这款产品,参看《得复康DEVCON PUH94167 TDS》,之前也曾经尝试找过DEVCON 14167的官方技术资料,一直没有找到,只是在一些电子商务网站上有个别代理商贴出了部分技术参数。今天又抽空找了一下,果然在互联网上找到了官方的技术资料,贴在此处,大家共同学习之! 完整版PDF文件请到文章末尾下载。
Composite Welder FS
Description: A 2-component 10:1 flexible methacrylate adhesive with fast fixturing and cure times.
Intended Use: Bonds steel furniture, speaker magnets, and dissimilar substrates. Bonds FRP/GRP/SMC, gel coat, honeycomb painted and plated metals (with primer), phenolics, polycarbonate, PVC polyesters, urethanes and vinyl esters along with ceramics.
Product features:
Excellent environmental resistance
Excellent impact, peel, and shear resistance
Superb salt spray durability, including aluminum
Limitations: Technical data should be considered representative or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.
Typical Physical Properties:
Cured 7 days @ 75° F
T-peel 60-65 pli
Impact Resistance 22 ft.lb./in.[2]
Tensile Elongation 100-125%
Shore Hardness 74 Shore D
Gap-Fill .375 in.
% Solids by Volume 100 %
Adhesive Tensile Lap Shear [galvanized] 2,000 psi [with MP 90]
Adhesive Tensile Lap Shear[AL] 2,525 psi [with MP 90]
Adhesive Tensile Lap Shear[GBS] 2,250 psi
Adhesive Tensile Lap Shear[SS] 2,800 psi [with MP 90]
Specfic Volume 28.55 in[3]/lb.
Adhesive Tensile Shear ASTM D 1002
Cured Hardness Shore D ASTM D 2240
T-Peel Strength ASTM D 1876
Impact Resistance ASTM D 950
Color Blue/Green
Viscosity Adhesive: 120,000 cps: Activator: 60,000 cps
Weight Adhesive:8.0/lbs./gal.; Activator: 8.95lbs./gal.
Mixed Viscosity 120,000 cps
Mix Ratio by Volume 10:1
Mix Ratio by Weight 89:10
Mixed Density 8.09 lbs/gal / 0.97gm/cc
Flashpoint 51°F
Working Time 4-8 min. @ 75°F
Fixture Time 10-15 min. @ 75°F
Functional Cure 3/4 – 1 hrs.
Full Cure 24 hours
Service Temperature -40°F to 250°F
Surface Preparation:Clean surface by solvent-wiping any deposits of heavy grease, oil, dirt, or other contaminants. Surface can also be cleaned with industrial cleaning equipment such as vapor phase degreasers or hot aqueous baths. If working with metal, abrade or roughen the surface to significantly increase the microscopic bond area and optimize the bond strength.
Mixing Instructions:—- Proper homogenous mixing of resin and hardener is essential for the curing and development of stated strengths. —-
1. Squeeze material into a small container the size of an ashtray.
2. Using mixing stick included on Dev-tube handle, vigorously mix components for one (1) minute.
3. Immediately apply to substrate.
1. Attach cartridge to Mark 5 dispensing system.
2. Open tip.
3. Burp cartridge by squeezing out some material until both sides are uniform (ensures no air bubbles are present during mixing).
4. Attach mix nozzle to end of cartridge.
5. Apply to substrate.
Application Instructions:
1. Apply mixed product directly to one surface in an even film or as a bead.
2. Assemble with mating part within recommended working time.
3. Apply firm pressure between mating parts to minimize any gap and ensure good contact (a small fillet of product should flow out the edges to display adequate gap fill).
4. Bond line thickness of mixed adhesive should be @ .030” for optimum adhesion.
For very large gaps:
1. Apply product to both surfaces.
2. Spread to cover entire area OR make a bead pattern to allow flow throughout the joint. Let bonded assemblies stand for recommended functional cure time prior to handling.
– Can withstand processing forces
– Do not drop, shock load, or heavily load
– Intermittent exposure to temperatures above 250°F do not reduce performance characteristics
Apply Devcon Metal Prep 90 to prime and condition aluminum and stainless steel surfaces prior to using Compossite Welder FS. Metal Prep 90 is fast-drying at ambient temperatures. Composite Welder FS can be applied within minutes of its use. Overlap shear strength will improve 30-40% if Metal Prep 90 is used.
Storage:Store between 55°F and 75°F. Continuous storage above 75°F reduces the shelf life of the materials. Prolonged exposure above 100°F quickly diminishes the product’s reactivity, and should be avoided. Shelf life can be extended by refrigeration between 45°F and 55°F. DO NOT FREEZE.
Compliances:Meets UL 746C Polymeric Adhesive Systems, Electrical Equipment-Component
Chemical Resistance: Chemical resistance is calculated with a 7 day, room temp. cure (30 days immersion) @ 75°F)
Please refer to the appropriate material safety data sheet (MSDS) prior to using this product.
For technical assistance, please call 1-800-933-8266
Warranty: Devcon will replace any material found to be defective. Because the storage, handling and application of this material is beyond our control, we can accept no liability for the results obtained.
Disclaimer: All information on this data sheet is based on laboratory testing and is not intended for design purposes. ITW Devcon makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning this data.
Order | 14167 | 35ml cartridge |
Information: | 14168 | 250 ml cartridge |
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