—— anndi

《【扒一扒】日本高纯球形硅微粉材料生产商》:  作为一种无机非金属矿物功能性粉体材料,硅微粉广泛应用于电子材料、电工绝缘材料、胶黏剂、特种陶瓷、精密铸造、油漆涂料、油墨、硅橡胶等领域。 目前,世界上只有中国、日本、韩国、美国等少数国家具备硅微粉生产能力... 全文 ?


HERNON Voice Coil Bonder 360 TDS

Product Description

HernonVoice Coil Bonder 360 is a single component, black, heat cure adhesive formulated for bonding and coating voice coil components and high temperature lamination. The cured bond withstands temperatures exceeding 600ºF (316ºC).

Product Benefits

  • • Single component
  • • Excellent resistance to high temperature, chemicals, and water
  • • Flexible, thermal shock resistant bond
  • • Excellent adhesion
  • • High strength at room temperature and elevated temperatures.

Typical Applications

  • • Coating of Aluminum, copper-clad and copper wire coils.
  • • Coating of form materials including Kapton H, HN, HPPST AND MTB, fiberglass composite, aluminum and Nomex. 全文 »




最近一次了解此类胶水是前天在QQ上有位网友咨询关于NTT-AT胶水,其实以前也没怎么了解过,在网上搜索了一下,这也是一家日本专门从事光纤及光学器件封装胶水的公司,在网上还找到了一篇介绍他们产品的文章《NTT-AT胶水特性》,有兴趣的朋友可以到后面下载来看看,或者去他们的官网了解一下http://www.ntt-at.co.jp/。说到日本顺便插一句话,日本此次的地震估计大家都知晓了,估计接下来对世界经济和行业的影响应该也会陆续显现出来。特意提示公司采购部同事赶紧给各个日本原料的供应商致电了解情况,否则材料受影响的话很多电子胶水厂家也会同样受影响的。后来和那位网友又聊了一会,其实除了NTT-AT,还是有Addison(Acheson?)、Daikin、EMI、Ablestik等等。 网上用NTT-AT胶水为关键词搜索了一下,找到了一篇文章提到此产品,有兴趣的朋友可以去看看《全球FTTH大发展下的国内PLC产业现状》。另外与网友的交流中他又共享给了我两份相关资料《NTT Optical Adhesive 》《NTT-AT_Adhesive Seminer》,因为没得到他的允许,暂时就不在网上共享了,有兴趣的朋友可以留言索取。



  NTT-AT胶水特性 (447.7 KB, 1,285 次)


  ntt-at (1.4 MB, 36 次)




LOCTITE® 5939™ provides the following product characteristics:

Technology MS® – Polymer

Chemical Type Modified silane polymer

Appearance (uncured) Smooth grey liquidLMS

Components One part – requires no mixing

Viscosity Paste

Cure Atmospheric moisture

Application Sealing


LOCTITE® 5939™ is a high strength, high elongation adhesive used for elastic bonding and sealing on various substrates. It is a one component adhesive/sealant based on a modified silane polymer, which cures by reaction with moisture to an elastomeric thermoset product. The skin formation and curing times are dependent on humidity, temperature, and joint depth. By increasing the exposure to moisture these times can be reduced. LOCTITE® 5939™ is sag-resistant leading to high initial tack. It is non-corrosive and free of solvents, isocyanates, silicones, PVC, and is odorless. It demonstrates good adhesion without primer to a wide variety of substrates and is compatible with suitable paint systems. The adhesive/sealant also demonstrates good UV resistance and can therefore be used for interior and exterior applications.





今日论坛有站友咨询到“乐泰3525胶水,合适的工作环境是多少?郁闷,因为车间温差有变化,经常会出现多胶少胶现象。”,到乐泰的官方网站下载了3525的TDS技术资料来看看,发现居然有中文版本、英文版本及西班牙语等版本。下载了英文版和中文版,不过看了一下中文版,居然出现了好几处非常明显的错误,虽然此份资料应该是3525的TDS,但在中文版本描述中居然出现了几个完全不同的型号(5182、3103、3493),但是阅读英文版本是却完全没有这个问题。后来查阅了一下前面那几个错误的型号,居然乐泰都有对应的产品,更搞笑的是3103、3493都有中文版本,但描述的第一句话却都将其称为5182,与3525的中文版如出一辙。估计乐泰的中文版资料也是有专门团队编写的,让如此明显的错误实属不该,好歹也是五百强下面的企业。正好公司前几天也在让品管和技术部将公司产品的TDS资料升级定稿,我当时给他们最底线的原则是同一份资料里面决不能出现前后不一致的数据,更别说把型号弄错了。 不过乐泰以上型号的英文版本TDS却完全没有出现中文版里面的错漏,估计也还是国人在翻译的过程中出的错误。

现将中文的TDS复制至此,有兴趣的朋友可以到后面下载查看之,也希望乐泰的技术团队能发现这个问题并纠正之,错漏的TDS原封不动的摘录如下: 全文 »




LOCTITE® 3563™ provides the following product characteristics:

Technology Epoxy

Chemical Type Epoxy

Appearance (uncured) Off-white to beige liquidLMS

Components One component – requires no mixing

Cure Heat cure

Cure Benefit Production – high speed curing

Application Underfill for flip chip devices

Dispense Method Syringe

Key Substrates SMD components to PCB

Reworkable No


LOCTITE® 3563™ is a rapid curing, fast flowing, liquid epoxy designed for use as a capillary flow underfill for packaged ICs, such as CSPs and BGAs. Its rheology is designed to allow it to penetrate gaps as small as 25 μm. When fully cured, it minimizes induced stress at solder joint and thus improves thermal cycling performance.



Specific Gravity@ 25 °C 1.52

Viscosity, Cone & Plate rheometer, 2 ° Cone, mPa·s (cP):

Temperature: 25 °C, Shear Rate: 5 s-1 5,000 to 12,000LMS

Temperature: 25 °C, Shear Rate: 20 s-1 5,000 to 12,000

Capillary Flow Rate, seconds:

Flow time, 100 °C, glass to glass, 25 μm:

6.35 mm flow ≤15

12.7 mm flow ≤45LMS

25.4 mm flow ≤150

VOC, ASTM D 3960, g/l <10

Moisture Content, ASTM D 4017, % 0.01

Total Volatile Content, ASTM D 2369, % <1

Filler Content, % 40

Particle Size, μm:

Average 1 to 2

Maximum <10

Pot life @ 22 °C, hours 8 to 12

Flash Point – See MSDS


Recommended Curing Conditions

>7 minutes @ 150 °C

>5 minutes @ 165 °C


Note: With all fast cure systems, the time required for cure depends on the rate of heating. Conditions where a hot plate or heat sink is used are optimum for fastest cure. Cure rates depend on the mass of material to be heated and intimate contact with the heat source. Use suggested cure conditions as general guidelines. Other cure conditions may yield satisfactory results. 全文 »


Henkel Loctite Hysol FP4549G(FP0100) TDS


Hysol® FP4549G is a high purity, low stress, liquid epoxy designed for enhanced adhesion to integrated circuit passivation materials. This material is formulated to quickly underfill devices at 90°C to 120°C with as little as a ½ mil gap. When fully cured, the material forms a rigid, low stress seal that dissipates stress on solder joints and extend thermal cycling performance. FP4549G also exhibits low moisture absorption for improved JEDEC performance.



Flip chip on board applications with low moisture absorption for improved JEDEC performance.




Chemical Type Epoxy

Appearance Grey

Flow Rate 500 mil flow, 3 mil gap, 90°C) 15 seconds

Filler Content,% ignition, ITM3A 50

Shelf Life @ -40°F,(-40°C), months 9

Typical Range

Viscosity @ 25ºC, (77°F)

Cone & Plate , (Brookfield, cps)

CP52; speed 20 (ITM2A) 2,300


Work Life at Room Temperature 全文 »


Henkel Loctite Hysol FP4549FC TDS


Hysol® FP4549FC is a high purity, low stress, liquid epoxy designed for enhanced adhesion to integrated circuit passivation materials. This material is formulated to quickly underfill devices at 110°C to 120°C with as little as a ½ mil gap. When fully cured, the material forms a rigid, low stress seal that dissipates stress on solder joints and extend thermal cycling performance. FP4549FC also exhibits low moisture absorption for improved JEDEC performance. FP4559FC has been specially formulated for improved compatibility with no-clean flux residues.



Encapsulant for Flip Chip Underfill



Color White

Filler content, (%, ignition) (ITM3A) 50

Flow Rate (500 mil flow, 3 mil gap, 110°C) 18 seconds

Shelf Life @-40°C, (-40°F), months 9

Typical Value

Viscosity @ 25°C, (77°F) (ITM2R)

Brookfield Cone & Plate

CP52, Speed 20 13,000



Color White/Yellow

Glass Transition (Tg), °C, (TMA) (ITM65B) 125

Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion, (ITM65B)

α1, ppm/°C 45

α2, ppm/°C 143

Extractable Ionic Content, @ 121°C (ITM107B)

Chloride (Cl-), ppm 6

Sodium (Na+), ppm 2

Flexural Modulus, Gpa (ASTM D790) 5.6


Die shear strength 50±2Kg

Nitride passivated/FR4 substrate

100 mil x 100 mil die @ 25°C, (77°F)



Gel Time @ 121°C, (250°F), minutes, (ITM10N) 12

Pot Life @ 25°C, (77°F), hours 12

(ITM10T), (time required to double viscosity)


Frozen storage at approximately –40°C or lower is required for maximum shelf life. Frozen packages must be completely thawed before use. Warm at room temperature until no longer cool to the touch (normally 60-90 minutes). Do not thaw in an oven. For best results in dispensing, a 22 gauge needle should be used at 10-20 psi pressure. For best flow rates, a substrate temperature of 110-120°C is recommended.



For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet, (MSDS).


Cure Schedule

Recommended Cure 30 minutes @ 165°C


Use suggested cure conditions as general guidelines. Other cure conditions may yield satisfactory results. With all fast cure systems, the minimum required time for cure depends on the rate of heating. Conditions where a hot plate or heat sink is used are optimum for fastest cure. Cure rates depend on the mass of material to be heated and intimate contact with the heat source.



The data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user’s responsibility to determine suitability for the user’s purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use thereof. In light of the foregoing, Loctite Corporation specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Loctite Corporation’s products. Loctite Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits. The discussion herein of various processes or compositions is not to be interpreted as representation that they are free from domination of patents owned by others or as a license under any Loctite Corporation patents that may cover such processes or compositions. We recommend that each prospective user test his proposed application before repetitive use, using this data as a guide. This product may be covered by one or more United States or foreign patents or patent applications.



  Henkel Loctite Hysol FP4549FC TDS (78.2 KB, 107 次)


HERNON Supertacker 357 TDS

Product Description

Hernon Supertacker 357 is a single component, high performance elastomeric adhesive that exhibits exceptional bonding characteristics to a broad range of materials including metals, glass, plastic composites, rubber, leather, wood and vinyl. Supertacker 357 provides a tough, waterproof bond that won’t crack or become brittle. Supertacker 357 out-performs silicones, acrylics, and rubber cement because it bonds to more surfaces with greater strength and durability.


Product Benefits

  • • Exceptional flexibility – Does not become brittle in cold weather, can bond items subject to vibration.
  • • Waterproof – Can be submerged in fresh and salt water after complete cure.
  • • Abrasion resistance – Great for bonding objects subject to wear.
  • • Non-flammable
  • • Paintable – Paint to match surrounding area or make UV-resistant.
  • • Excellent resistance to dilute acids and dilute caustics


Typical Applications

  • • Bonding dust caps to surround and surround to basket on loudspeaker applications.
  • • Bonding lead wires on loudspeaker applications.
  • • Repair conveyor belts.
  • • Seal tanks and pipes.
  • • Insulate electrical connections and repair plastic containers.
  • • Mend hoses.
  • • Repair torn vinyl mats.
  • • Affix plastic moldings and trim.
  • • Reinforce and seal metal seams in trailers, garage doors and HVAC systems


Typical Properties (Uncured)

Property Value

Appearance Clear liquid

Viscosity @ 25ºC, cP 100,000

Specific gravity 1.36

Solids, % 30 by weight, 40 by volume

Tack free time, minutes 5

Flash point See MSDS


Typical Properties (Cured)

Property Value

Tensile strength, psi, ASTM D412 3500

Elongation, %, ASTM D412 900

Hardness, Shore A, ASTM D2240 80

Dielectric strength, volts/mil, ASTM D149 400

Full Cure, thin film, hours 24

Temperature range, ºC (ºF) -40 to 150 (-40 to 300)


Typical Cured Performance

180º Peel Strength, ASTM D903

Cured 7 Days at 22ºC

Substrate 180º Peel Strength, pli

Glass 40

Wood 29

Cement 25

Aluminum 30

Steel 25

ABS 32

Polycarbonate 37

PVC 27

Acrylic 36

Urethane 32

Rubber 20

Thermoplastic rubber 30

Neoprene 32


Typical Environmental Resistance

Chemical/Solvent Resistance

Supertacker 357 exhibits excellent resistance to water, dilute acids and dilute bases. Thin films of Supertacker 357 were immersed in the chemicals/solvents listed below for two weeks and exhibited weight gains of less than 2% and tensile strength loss of less than 1%.


Chemical/Solvent Chemical/Solvent

Acetic acid, 5% Lactic acid, 3.8%

Acetic acid, 10% Sodium chloride, 10%

Sulfuric acid, 3% Sodium carbonate, 2.7%

Sulfuric acid, 10% Potassium hydroxide, 3.4%

Nitric acid, 10% Ammonium hydroxide, 3.4%

Nitric acid, 20% Ammonium nitrate, 50%

Phosphoric acid, 30% Distilled water

Phosphoric acid, 60% P2O5 Motor oil, 30w

Boric acid, 3.1% Hydraulic oil

Oxalic acid, 3.1% Antifreeze


Chemical/Solvent Non-Resistance

The following is a list of common solvents that dissolve Supertacker 357 when hardened samples are immersed. The dissolution with these solvents is not instantaneous and therefore does not preclude usage in all cases. Applications where an occasional splash or brief exposure is expected may be acceptable. Test a small area before full use.


Chemical/Solvent Chemical/Solvent

Gasoline Chlorothane NU

Cyclohexane Chevron solvent 1100

Perchloroethylene Propyl acetate

1,1,1-Trichlorethane Toluene

Methylene chloride


General Information

This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials. For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).


Directions for Use

1. Surface should be clean and dry.

2. For porous surfaces (wood and concrete) apply a liberal bead of adhesive to surfaces and bond immediately.

3. For joining non-porous surfaces, apply a light coating of adhesive to each surface and allow to harden for 5 minutes. Then press both surfaces together.

4. Supertacker357 hardens by solvent evaporation. At 70ºF (21ºC) the adhesive will provide significant “grab” in 5 minutes. However, normal bond lines require 24 hours and thick bond lines may require 48 to 72 hours.

5. Cure time increases with temperatures lower than 70ºF (21ºC) and decreases with temperatures above 70ºF (21ºC).

6. When finished, wipe excess adhesive from the tube neck and secure with cap.


Application Notes

1. Some substrates require light sanding for optimum adhesion.

2. As a contact adhesive: Apply Supertacker 357 directly to surface. Allow to partially cure, 2-10 minutes, before bringing surfaces together.

3. As a sealant: Use thin coats of Supertacker 357 to build up to thick coating, allowing each layer to set 3 to 4 hours.

4. Speed drying time by using a hand-held dryer. Set on low and do not hold directly on adhesive.

5. If product is used to adhere fabric, do not dry clean fabric.

6. Supertacker 357 is not recommended for use on Styrofoam , polystrene, polyethylene or polypropylene plastics. Test a small area before extensive use.

7. Supertacker 357 is not recommended for use on aquariums.



Supertacker 357 should be stored in a cool, dry location in unopened containers at a temperature between 46ºF to 82ºF (8ºC to 28ºC) unless otherwise labeled. Optimal storage is at the lower half of this temperature range. To prevent contamination of unused material, do not return any material to its original container.


Dispensing Equipment

Hernon offers a complete line of semi and fully automated dispensing equipment. Contact Hernon Sales for additional information.


These suggestions and data are based on information we believe to be reliable and accurate, but no guarantee of their accuracy is made. HERNON MANUFACTURING, INC. shall not be liable for any damage, loss or injury, direct or consequential arising out of the use or the inability to use the product. In every case, we urge and recommend that purchasers, before using any product in full scale production, make their own tests to determine whether the product is of satisfactory quality and suitability for their operations, and the user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever, in connection therewith. Hernon’s Quality Management System for the design and manufacture of high performance adhesives and sealants is registered to the ISO 9001 Quality Standard.



  TD-357.PDF (91.2 KB, 99 次)



Henkel Loctite Hysol FP4549 TDS


FP4549 provides the following product characteristics:

Technology Epoxy

Appearance White

Product Benefits • High purity

• Low stress

• Liquid flexible

• Low moisture absorption

Filler Weight, % 50

Components One-component

Cure Heat cure

Application Encapsulation

Typical Applications Flip Chip


FP4549 also exhibits low moisture absorption for improved JEDEC performance.



Viscosity, Brookfield – Cone & Plate, 25 °C, mPa·s (cP):

Spindle 52, speed 20 rpm 2,300

Pot Life @ 25 °C(time to double viscosity), hours 24

Gel Time @ 121ºC, minutes 13.5

Shelf Life: @ -40ºC, months 9

Flow Rate @ 90°C, seconds

500mil travel, 3mil gap 15

Flash Point – See MSDS



Recommended Cure Schedule

30 minutes @ 165°C


The above cure profile is a guideline recommendation. Cure conditions (time and temperature) may vary based on customers’ experience and their application requirements, as well as customer curing equipment, oven loading and actual oven temperatures.



Physical Properties:

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion , ppm/°C:

Below Tg 45

Above Tg 143

Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) °C 140

(Cured 7 minutes @ 160ºC)

Extractable Ionic Content, ppm:

Chloride (Cl-) 3

Sodium (Na+) 2

Flexural Modulus N/mm² 5.6

(psi) (784)



Adhesive Properties

Die Shear Strength, Kg:

Nitride Passivated/FR4 substrate:

100 mil x 100 mil die @ 25°C 50±2



For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet, (MSDS).


This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials.


Not for product specifications

The technical data contained herein are intended as reference only. Please contact your local quality department for assistance and recommendations on specifications for this product.



1. Allow container to reach room temperature before use.

2. Warm at room temperature until no longer cool to the touch (normally 60 to 90 minutes).

3. DO NOT thaw in an oven.


Directions for use

1. For best flow rates, a preheat temperature of 90 °C is recommended.

2. For best results in dispensing a 22 gauge needle should be used at 10 to 20 psi pressure.



Store product in the unopened container in a dry location. Storage information may be indicated on the product container labeling.


Optimal Storage: -40 °C

Material removed from containers may be contaminated during use. Do not return product to the original container. Henkel Corporation cannot assume responsibility for product which has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than those previously indicated. If additional information is required, please contact your local Technical Service Center or Customer Service Representative.



(°C x 1.8) + 32 = °F

kV/mm x 25.4 = V/mil

mm / 25.4 = inches

N x 0.225 = lb

N/mm x 5.71 = lb/in

N/mm² x 145 = psi

MPa x 145 = psi

N·m x 8.851 = lb·in

N·m x 0.738 = lb·ft

N·mm x 0.142 = oz·in

mPa·s = cP



The data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user’s responsibility to determine suitability for the user’s purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use thereof. In light of the foregoing, Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Henkel Corporation’s products. Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits. The discussion herein of various processes or compositions is not to be interpreted as representation that they are free from domination of patents owned by others or as a license under any Henkel Corporation patents that may cover such processes or compositions. We recommend that each prospective user test his proposed application before repetitive use, using this data as a guide. This product may be covered by one or more United States or foreign patents or patent applications.



  Henkel Loctite Hysol FP4549 TDS (66.2 KB, 138 次)


Henkel Loctite Hysol FP4323 TDS


FP4323 provides the following product characteristics:

Technology Epoxy

Appearance (Part A) Black

Appearance (Part B) Cream

Appearance (Mixed) Black

Product Benefits • Low CTE for improved thermal cycling

• High purity

• Thixotropic

• Excellent moisture resistance

• Excellent chemical resistance

Filler Weight, % 65

Filler Type Silica

Mix Ratio, by weight – Part

A: Part B

100 : 100

Cure Heat cure

Application Encapsulant – glob top

Typical Assembly


Chip-on-board and Plastic PGA


Substrates Plastic

FP4323 liquid epoxy encapsulant glob top is designed with flow capabilities that allows encapsulation without flowing beyond the chip.



Part A Properties

Viscosity, Brookfield – RVF, 25 °C, mPa·s (cP):

Spindle 7, speed 2 rpm 172,500

Spindle 7, speed 20 rpm 115,000

Specific Gravity @ 25 °C 1.7

Shelf Life @ 25°C, months 12

Flash Point – See MSDS

Part B Properties

Viscosity, Brookfield – RVF, 25 °C, mPa·s (cP):

Spindle 7, speed 2 rpm 250,000

Spindle 7, speed 20 rpm 72,500

Specific Gravity @ 25 °C 1.7

Shelf Life @ 25°C, months 12

Flash Point – See MSDS

Mixed Properties

Mixed Viscosity, Brookfield – RVF, 25 °C, mPa·s (cP):

Spindle 7, speed 2 rpm 220,000

Spindle 7, speed 20 rpm 100,000

Specific Gravity @ 25 °C 1.67

Gel Time @ 121ºC, minutes 11

Pot Life @ 25 °C, days 2

Shelf Life @ -40 °C, months 9

Working Life@ 25 °C, hours 48

Flash Point – See MSDS



Recommended Cure Schedule

4 hours @ 150°C or

1 hour @ 170°C

Alternative Cure Schedule

2 hours @ 125°C + 4 hours @ 150°C

Substrate Temperature

Temperature, °C 90

The above cure profiles are guideline recommendations. Cure conditions (time and temperature) may vary based on customers’ experience and their application requirements, as well as customer curing equipment, oven loading and actual oven temperatures.

A two-step cure will minimize stress.



Physical Properties:

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion ASTM D-3386, ppm/°C:

Below Tg (40 to 120°C) 28

Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) by TMA, °C 174

Thermal Conductivity, W/mk 0.63

Shore Hardness, ISO 868, Durometer D 97

Linear Shrinkage, % 0.43

Extractable Ionic Content, ppm:

Chloride (Cl-) 20

Sodium (Na+) 20

Potassium (K+) 20

Water Absorption, ISO 62 , %:

8 hours @ 100°C 0.25

Electrical Properties:

Dielectric Constant / Dissipation Factor, IEC 60250:

1kHz 3.7 / 0.004

100-MHz 3.59 / 0.085

1-GHz 3.44 / 0.075

Volume Resistivity, IEC 60093, Ω·cm 6.2×1014

Surface Resistivity, IEC 60093, Ω 1.6×1014



For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet, (MSDS).


This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be used with chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials.



1. For best results, dispense onto substrate warmed to 90°C.

2. FP4323 may settle upon storage. Each container must be thoroughly mixed before combining.

3. Mix Part A and Part B separately for about 5 to 10 minutes on a standard paint shaker to ensure complete dispersion of the filler.

4. Stir with a large spatula to check for lumps.

5. Cold storage will minimize filler settling.

6. Part B may form a crust if exposed to moist air for an extended period of time. Keep in a well sealed container. For best results, do not use Part B which contains this crust caused by moisture contamination.

7. Thorough mechanical mixing of Part A and Part B together is required for best results. Hand mixing alone is not recommended.


Not for product specifications

The technical data contained herein are intended as reference only. Please contact your local quality department for assistance and recommendations on specifications for this product.



Store product in the unopened container in a dry location. Storage information may be indicated on the product container labeling.


Optimal Storage: -40°C. Storage below -40°C or greater than -40°C can adversely affect product properties.


Material removed from containers may be contaminated during use. Do not return product to the original container. Henkel Corporation cannot assume responsibility for product which has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than those previously indicated. If additional information is required, please contact your local Technical Service Center or Customer Service Representative.



(°C x 1.8) + 32 = °F

kV/mm x 25.4 = V/mil

mm / 25.4 = inches

N x 0.225 = lb

N/mm x 5.71 = lb/in

N/mm² x 145 = psi

MPa x 145 = psi

N·m x 8.851 = lb·in

N·m x 0.738 = lb·ft

N·mm x 0.142 = oz·in

mPa·s = cP



The data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user’s responsibility to determine suitability for the user’s purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use thereof. In light of the foregoing, Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Henkel Corporation’s products. Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits. The discussion herein of various processes or compositions is not to be interpreted as representation that they are free from domination of patents owned by others or as a license under any Henkel Corporation patents that may cover such processes or compositions. We recommend that each prospective user test his proposed application before repetitive use, using this data as a guide. This product may be covered by one or more United States or foreign patents or patent applications.



  Henkel Loctite Hysol FP4323 TDS (68.0 KB, 100 次)


    • Name:QiuBo QQ:1808976
      Mobile Phone:13923499497



