—— anndi

《【扒一扒】日本高纯球形硅微粉材料生产商》:  作为一种无机非金属矿物功能性粉体材料,硅微粉广泛应用于电子材料、电工绝缘材料、胶黏剂、特种陶瓷、精密铸造、油漆涂料、油墨、硅橡胶等领域。 目前,世界上只有中国、日本、韩国、美国等少数国家具备硅微粉生产能力... 全文 ?


HERNON Supertacker 357 TDS

Product Description

Hernon Supertacker 357 is a single component, high performance elastomeric adhesive that exhibits exceptional bonding characteristics to a broad range of materials including metals, glass, plastic composites, rubber, leather, wood and vinyl. Supertacker 357 provides a tough, waterproof bond that won’t crack or become brittle. Supertacker 357 out-performs silicones, acrylics, and rubber cement because it bonds to more surfaces with greater strength and durability.


Product Benefits

  • • Exceptional flexibility – Does not become brittle in cold weather, can bond items subject to vibration.
  • • Waterproof – Can be submerged in fresh and salt water after complete cure.
  • • Abrasion resistance – Great for bonding objects subject to wear.
  • • Non-flammable
  • • Paintable – Paint to match surrounding area or make UV-resistant.
  • • Excellent resistance to dilute acids and dilute caustics


Typical Applications

  • • Bonding dust caps to surround and surround to basket on loudspeaker applications.
  • • Bonding lead wires on loudspeaker applications.
  • • Repair conveyor belts.
  • • Seal tanks and pipes.
  • • Insulate electrical connections and repair plastic containers.
  • • Mend hoses.
  • • Repair torn vinyl mats.
  • • Affix plastic moldings and trim.
  • • Reinforce and seal metal seams in trailers, garage doors and HVAC systems


Typical Properties (Uncured)

Property Value

Appearance Clear liquid

Viscosity @ 25ºC, cP 100,000

Specific gravity 1.36

Solids, % 30 by weight, 40 by volume

Tack free time, minutes 5

Flash point See MSDS


Typical Properties (Cured)

Property Value

Tensile strength, psi, ASTM D412 3500

Elongation, %, ASTM D412 900

Hardness, Shore A, ASTM D2240 80

Dielectric strength, volts/mil, ASTM D149 400

Full Cure, thin film, hours 24

Temperature range, ºC (ºF) -40 to 150 (-40 to 300)


Typical Cured Performance

180º Peel Strength, ASTM D903

Cured 7 Days at 22ºC

Substrate 180º Peel Strength, pli

Glass 40

Wood 29

Cement 25

Aluminum 30

Steel 25

ABS 32

Polycarbonate 37

PVC 27

Acrylic 36

Urethane 32

Rubber 20

Thermoplastic rubber 30

Neoprene 32


Typical Environmental Resistance

Chemical/Solvent Resistance

Supertacker 357 exhibits excellent resistance to water, dilute acids and dilute bases. Thin films of Supertacker 357 were immersed in the chemicals/solvents listed below for two weeks and exhibited weight gains of less than 2% and tensile strength loss of less than 1%.


Chemical/Solvent Chemical/Solvent

Acetic acid, 5% Lactic acid, 3.8%

Acetic acid, 10% Sodium chloride, 10%

Sulfuric acid, 3% Sodium carbonate, 2.7%

Sulfuric acid, 10% Potassium hydroxide, 3.4%

Nitric acid, 10% Ammonium hydroxide, 3.4%

Nitric acid, 20% Ammonium nitrate, 50%

Phosphoric acid, 30% Distilled water

Phosphoric acid, 60% P2O5 Motor oil, 30w

Boric acid, 3.1% Hydraulic oil

Oxalic acid, 3.1% Antifreeze


Chemical/Solvent Non-Resistance

The following is a list of common solvents that dissolve Supertacker 357 when hardened samples are immersed. The dissolution with these solvents is not instantaneous and therefore does not preclude usage in all cases. Applications where an occasional splash or brief exposure is expected may be acceptable. Test a small area before full use.


Chemical/Solvent Chemical/Solvent

Gasoline Chlorothane NU

Cyclohexane Chevron solvent 1100

Perchloroethylene Propyl acetate

1,1,1-Trichlorethane Toluene

Methylene chloride


General Information

This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials. For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).


Directions for Use

1. Surface should be clean and dry.

2. For porous surfaces (wood and concrete) apply a liberal bead of adhesive to surfaces and bond immediately.

3. For joining non-porous surfaces, apply a light coating of adhesive to each surface and allow to harden for 5 minutes. Then press both surfaces together.

4. Supertacker357 hardens by solvent evaporation. At 70ºF (21ºC) the adhesive will provide significant “grab” in 5 minutes. However, normal bond lines require 24 hours and thick bond lines may require 48 to 72 hours.

5. Cure time increases with temperatures lower than 70ºF (21ºC) and decreases with temperatures above 70ºF (21ºC).

6. When finished, wipe excess adhesive from the tube neck and secure with cap.


Application Notes

1. Some substrates require light sanding for optimum adhesion.

2. As a contact adhesive: Apply Supertacker 357 directly to surface. Allow to partially cure, 2-10 minutes, before bringing surfaces together.

3. As a sealant: Use thin coats of Supertacker 357 to build up to thick coating, allowing each layer to set 3 to 4 hours.

4. Speed drying time by using a hand-held dryer. Set on low and do not hold directly on adhesive.

5. If product is used to adhere fabric, do not dry clean fabric.

6. Supertacker 357 is not recommended for use on Styrofoam , polystrene, polyethylene or polypropylene plastics. Test a small area before extensive use.

7. Supertacker 357 is not recommended for use on aquariums.



Supertacker 357 should be stored in a cool, dry location in unopened containers at a temperature between 46ºF to 82ºF (8ºC to 28ºC) unless otherwise labeled. Optimal storage is at the lower half of this temperature range. To prevent contamination of unused material, do not return any material to its original container.


Dispensing Equipment

Hernon offers a complete line of semi and fully automated dispensing equipment. Contact Hernon Sales for additional information.


These suggestions and data are based on information we believe to be reliable and accurate, but no guarantee of their accuracy is made. HERNON MANUFACTURING, INC. shall not be liable for any damage, loss or injury, direct or consequential arising out of the use or the inability to use the product. In every case, we urge and recommend that purchasers, before using any product in full scale production, make their own tests to determine whether the product is of satisfactory quality and suitability for their operations, and the user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever, in connection therewith. Hernon’s Quality Management System for the design and manufacture of high performance adhesives and sealants is registered to the ISO 9001 Quality Standard.



  TD-357.PDF (91.2 KB, 114 次)



Henkel Loctite Hysol FP4549 TDS


FP4549 provides the following product characteristics:

Technology Epoxy

Appearance White

Product Benefits • High purity

• Low stress

• Liquid flexible

• Low moisture absorption

Filler Weight, % 50

Components One-component

Cure Heat cure

Application Encapsulation

Typical Applications Flip Chip


FP4549 also exhibits low moisture absorption for improved JEDEC performance.



Viscosity, Brookfield – Cone & Plate, 25 °C, mPa·s (cP):

Spindle 52, speed 20 rpm 2,300

Pot Life @ 25 °C(time to double viscosity), hours 24

Gel Time @ 121ºC, minutes 13.5

Shelf Life: @ -40ºC, months 9

Flow Rate @ 90°C, seconds

500mil travel, 3mil gap 15

Flash Point – See MSDS



Recommended Cure Schedule

30 minutes @ 165°C


The above cure profile is a guideline recommendation. Cure conditions (time and temperature) may vary based on customers’ experience and their application requirements, as well as customer curing equipment, oven loading and actual oven temperatures.



Physical Properties:

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion , ppm/°C:

Below Tg 45

Above Tg 143

Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) °C 140

(Cured 7 minutes @ 160ºC)

Extractable Ionic Content, ppm:

Chloride (Cl-) 3

Sodium (Na+) 2

Flexural Modulus N/mm² 5.6

(psi) (784)



Adhesive Properties

Die Shear Strength, Kg:

Nitride Passivated/FR4 substrate:

100 mil x 100 mil die @ 25°C 50±2



For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet, (MSDS).


This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials.


Not for product specifications

The technical data contained herein are intended as reference only. Please contact your local quality department for assistance and recommendations on specifications for this product.



1. Allow container to reach room temperature before use.

2. Warm at room temperature until no longer cool to the touch (normally 60 to 90 minutes).

3. DO NOT thaw in an oven.


Directions for use

1. For best flow rates, a preheat temperature of 90 °C is recommended.

2. For best results in dispensing a 22 gauge needle should be used at 10 to 20 psi pressure.



Store product in the unopened container in a dry location. Storage information may be indicated on the product container labeling.


Optimal Storage: -40 °C

Material removed from containers may be contaminated during use. Do not return product to the original container. Henkel Corporation cannot assume responsibility for product which has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than those previously indicated. If additional information is required, please contact your local Technical Service Center or Customer Service Representative.



(°C x 1.8) + 32 = °F

kV/mm x 25.4 = V/mil

mm / 25.4 = inches

N x 0.225 = lb

N/mm x 5.71 = lb/in

N/mm² x 145 = psi

MPa x 145 = psi

N·m x 8.851 = lb·in

N·m x 0.738 = lb·ft

N·mm x 0.142 = oz·in

mPa·s = cP



The data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user’s responsibility to determine suitability for the user’s purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use thereof. In light of the foregoing, Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Henkel Corporation’s products. Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits. The discussion herein of various processes or compositions is not to be interpreted as representation that they are free from domination of patents owned by others or as a license under any Henkel Corporation patents that may cover such processes or compositions. We recommend that each prospective user test his proposed application before repetitive use, using this data as a guide. This product may be covered by one or more United States or foreign patents or patent applications.



  Henkel Loctite Hysol FP4549 TDS (66.2 KB, 140 次)


Henkel Loctite Hysol FP4323 TDS


FP4323 provides the following product characteristics:

Technology Epoxy

Appearance (Part A) Black

Appearance (Part B) Cream

Appearance (Mixed) Black

Product Benefits • Low CTE for improved thermal cycling

• High purity

• Thixotropic

• Excellent moisture resistance

• Excellent chemical resistance

Filler Weight, % 65

Filler Type Silica

Mix Ratio, by weight – Part

A: Part B

100 : 100

Cure Heat cure

Application Encapsulant – glob top

Typical Assembly


Chip-on-board and Plastic PGA


Substrates Plastic

FP4323 liquid epoxy encapsulant glob top is designed with flow capabilities that allows encapsulation without flowing beyond the chip.



Part A Properties

Viscosity, Brookfield – RVF, 25 °C, mPa·s (cP):

Spindle 7, speed 2 rpm 172,500

Spindle 7, speed 20 rpm 115,000

Specific Gravity @ 25 °C 1.7

Shelf Life @ 25°C, months 12

Flash Point – See MSDS

Part B Properties

Viscosity, Brookfield – RVF, 25 °C, mPa·s (cP):

Spindle 7, speed 2 rpm 250,000

Spindle 7, speed 20 rpm 72,500

Specific Gravity @ 25 °C 1.7

Shelf Life @ 25°C, months 12

Flash Point – See MSDS

Mixed Properties

Mixed Viscosity, Brookfield – RVF, 25 °C, mPa·s (cP):

Spindle 7, speed 2 rpm 220,000

Spindle 7, speed 20 rpm 100,000

Specific Gravity @ 25 °C 1.67

Gel Time @ 121ºC, minutes 11

Pot Life @ 25 °C, days 2

Shelf Life @ -40 °C, months 9

Working Life@ 25 °C, hours 48

Flash Point – See MSDS



Recommended Cure Schedule

4 hours @ 150°C or

1 hour @ 170°C

Alternative Cure Schedule

2 hours @ 125°C + 4 hours @ 150°C

Substrate Temperature

Temperature, °C 90

The above cure profiles are guideline recommendations. Cure conditions (time and temperature) may vary based on customers’ experience and their application requirements, as well as customer curing equipment, oven loading and actual oven temperatures.

A two-step cure will minimize stress.



Physical Properties:

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion ASTM D-3386, ppm/°C:

Below Tg (40 to 120°C) 28

Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) by TMA, °C 174

Thermal Conductivity, W/mk 0.63

Shore Hardness, ISO 868, Durometer D 97

Linear Shrinkage, % 0.43

Extractable Ionic Content, ppm:

Chloride (Cl-) 20

Sodium (Na+) 20

Potassium (K+) 20

Water Absorption, ISO 62 , %:

8 hours @ 100°C 0.25

Electrical Properties:

Dielectric Constant / Dissipation Factor, IEC 60250:

1kHz 3.7 / 0.004

100-MHz 3.59 / 0.085

1-GHz 3.44 / 0.075

Volume Resistivity, IEC 60093, Ω·cm 6.2×1014

Surface Resistivity, IEC 60093, Ω 1.6×1014



For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet, (MSDS).


This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be used with chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials.



1. For best results, dispense onto substrate warmed to 90°C.

2. FP4323 may settle upon storage. Each container must be thoroughly mixed before combining.

3. Mix Part A and Part B separately for about 5 to 10 minutes on a standard paint shaker to ensure complete dispersion of the filler.

4. Stir with a large spatula to check for lumps.

5. Cold storage will minimize filler settling.

6. Part B may form a crust if exposed to moist air for an extended period of time. Keep in a well sealed container. For best results, do not use Part B which contains this crust caused by moisture contamination.

7. Thorough mechanical mixing of Part A and Part B together is required for best results. Hand mixing alone is not recommended.


Not for product specifications

The technical data contained herein are intended as reference only. Please contact your local quality department for assistance and recommendations on specifications for this product.



Store product in the unopened container in a dry location. Storage information may be indicated on the product container labeling.


Optimal Storage: -40°C. Storage below -40°C or greater than -40°C can adversely affect product properties.


Material removed from containers may be contaminated during use. Do not return product to the original container. Henkel Corporation cannot assume responsibility for product which has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than those previously indicated. If additional information is required, please contact your local Technical Service Center or Customer Service Representative.



(°C x 1.8) + 32 = °F

kV/mm x 25.4 = V/mil

mm / 25.4 = inches

N x 0.225 = lb

N/mm x 5.71 = lb/in

N/mm² x 145 = psi

MPa x 145 = psi

N·m x 8.851 = lb·in

N·m x 0.738 = lb·ft

N·mm x 0.142 = oz·in

mPa·s = cP



The data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user’s responsibility to determine suitability for the user’s purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use thereof. In light of the foregoing, Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Henkel Corporation’s products. Henkel Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits. The discussion herein of various processes or compositions is not to be interpreted as representation that they are free from domination of patents owned by others or as a license under any Henkel Corporation patents that may cover such processes or compositions. We recommend that each prospective user test his proposed application before repetitive use, using this data as a guide. This product may be covered by one or more United States or foreign patents or patent applications.



  Henkel Loctite Hysol FP4323 TDS (68.0 KB, 101 次)


Henkel Loctite Hysol FP4322 TDS


Hysol® FP4322 is a high purity liquid epoxy encapsulant designed for semiconductor encapsulation. It is a high flow material which requires a cavity or flow control barrier to prevent excessive flow. Hysol FP4322 is suitable for encapsulation of bare chips mounted to plastic substrates as well as potting of small hybrid circuit modules. Spot encapsulation of bare chips on ceramic substrates is not suggested in most cases.


Semiconductor encapsulation.


Color Black

Filler Content, % (ASTM D2584) 65

Specific Gravity @25°C, (77°F)

(ASTM D1475) 1.69

Shelf Life @-40°C (-40°F), months 9

Typical Value

Viscosity @ 25°C, (77°F)

(ITM2A) (ASTM D2393)

Brookfield RVF

Spindle 7, Speed 2, Cp 92,500

Spindle 7, Speed 20, Cp 52,500


Color Black

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, in/in/°C

(ASTM D3386)

(40°-120°C) 30 x 10-6

Linear Shrinkage, %(ASTM D2566) .43

Density, gm/cc (ASTM D792) 1.7

Glass Transition, (Tg), °C, (ASTM D3386) 160

Hardness, Shore D (ASTM D2240) 97

Moisture Absorption, % (ASTM D570)

Immersion @ 100°C, 8 hrs 0.25

Extractable Ionic Content (ITM107B)

Chloride (Cl-), ppm 25

Potassium (K+), ppm 25

Sodium 25

Cured Electrical Properties



1kHz 3.18 0.005

10kHz 3.15 0.006

100kHz 3.04 0.11

Volume Resistivity 6.2 x 1014

Surface Resistivity 1.6 x 1014

K = Dielectric constant by ASTM D150

D = Dissipation Factor by ASTM D150

Vol. Res.= Volume Resistivity in ohm-cm by ASTM D257

Surf.Res.= Surface Resistivity in ohm by ASTM D257


Pot Life @ 25°C, 77°F, days, 1

(ITM10T), time to double in viscosity

Gel Time @ 121°C, (250°F), minutes,

(ITM10N) 11

Shelf life at room temperature is approximately 2 days. Product may be stored at –40°C for greater than 6 months. Frozen packages must be thawed before use. Warm at room temperature until no longer cool to the touch (normally 20-60 minutes). Do not thaw in an oven or water bath. For best results FP4322 should be dispensed onto a substrate warmed to approximately 90°C. This will help minimize air entrapment under bonding wire.


For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet, (MSDS).

This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a sealant for chlorine or their strong oxidizing materials


Cure Schedule

Recommended Cure 2-3 hours @ 170°C or

3-6 hours @ 150°C

Alternate Cure 1 hour @ 125°C plus

(Low Stress) 4 hours @ 150°C

(Designed for packages which are effected by high levels of stress.)

A two-step cure will minimize stress and warpage on large substrates. Curing below 140°C is not recommended. User should gel devices immediately after dispensing to prevent moisture degradation of ultimate cure properties. Use suggested cure schedules as general guidelines; other cure schedules may yield satisfactory results.


The data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user’s responsibility to determine suitability for the user’s purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use thereof. In light of the foregoing, Loctite Corporation specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Loctite Corporation’s products. Loctite Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits. The discussion herein of various processes or compositions is not to be interpreted as representation that they are free from domination of patents owned by others or as a license under any Loctite Corporation patents that may cover such processes or compositions. We recommend that each prospective user test his proposed application before repetitive use, using this data as a guide. This product may be covered by one or more United States or foreign patents or patent applications.



  Henkel Loctite Hysol FP4322 TDS (22.7 KB, 140 次)


The Global Formulated Adhesives Market

近日公司和美国赫能正在洽谈合作的事情,他们公司的老板Harry Arnon推荐了一篇关于胶粘剂市场的文章,抽空看了一下,公司的同事将其翻译成中文,与大家共享之。点击查看原文。 翻译的文章在英文后面:

The Global Formulated Adhesives Market

by Minesh Kusumgar

January 1, 2011

After years of uninterrupted growth, adhesive demand fell 5% in 2009 as the global recession took its toll. Global GDP declined by about 1% in 2009 and industrial production was off by nearly 3%. Formulated adhesive consumption in 2009 was 16.6 billion lbs (worth $20.6 billion). Volume is forecast to expand at a 4.5% annual rate through 2014 as the global economy rebounds. Growth in emerging economies will be robust, while modest increases in the mature economies of Europe and North America are forecast. Formulated adhesive consumption varies from over $12 per capita in the European Union and North America to less than $3 per inhabitant in China, India, and Brazil.

Regional Overviews

Enlarge this picture
Figure 1. Adhesive Consumption by Region ($ Billion)

The Asia-Pacific region is the largest consumer of formulated adhesives; it achieved 40% of the 2009 volume and 34% of the dollars. Regional volume was up slightly in 2009 compared to the prior year, while the sales value was slightly lower. China is the largest consumer in Asia-Pacific with 53% of the volume and 49% of the value. Chinese adhesive consumption was up 6% in 2009 as the domestic economy expanded, despite weak export demand for its manufactured products. A robust 9% annual rate of growth is forecast for adhesives in China.

Japan, the second-largest market for adhesives in the region, took 16% of the 2009 volume and one-fifth of the dollars. Volume in Japan declined significantly compared to 2008, and lackluster growth is forecast. India is a smaller user of adhesives, with 6% of the regional volume and 5% of the value. Like China, it is one of the few countries in the world to have experienced modest adhesive growth in 2009. Adhesives in India are projected to expand 11% per year through 2014.

Europe is the second-largest regional consumer of formulated adhesives, with 30% of the world’s volume and 32% of the value in 2009. Europe had been the leader in adhesive dollars prior to 2009. The sharp decline in European consumption allowed the Asia-Pacific region to capture the lead, which is projected to widen in future years. A 3% annual growth rate is forecast for European adhesives, with Eastern European countries expanding somewhat faster than Western Europe. European Union members consumed about 93% of the adhesive dollars.

North America took 24% of the global adhesive volume in 2009 and 27% of the dollars. As was the case in Europe, the market declined significantly from 2008. The U.S. consumed nearly 90% of the regional total, with the rest about equally split between Canada and Mexico. A modest 3% annual rate of growth is forecast for North American adhesive volume. South and Central American countries consumed 5% of the global adhesive volume and dollars in 2009. Brazil is the leading regional consumer with 57% of the value. Brazil weathered the global recession better than most, with adhesive volume only down 2% in 2009. South and Central American adhesives are projected to advance 5% annually through 2014.

Figure 1 shows adhesive dollar consumption by region in 2008 and 2009, as well as the 2014 forecast.

End Use Review

Enlarge this picture
Figure 2. Adhesive Consumption by End Use, 2009. ($20.6 Billion Total)

Pressure-sensitive products are the largest adhesive end use, representing 28% of the global volume in 2009 and 25% of the value. Applications include tapes, labels, decals and a host of other specialty products. Over 45 billion m2 of product is adhesive-coated, with tapes comprising over 60% of the total. Two-thirds of the adhesive value is produced in-house by pressure-sensitive product manufacturers. Pressure-sensitive adhesives are forecast to grow 5% annually through 2014, with emerging economies (China, India, Brazil, etc.) expanding faster.

Packaging is the second-largest end use, with 22% of the volume and 18% of the dollars in 2009. Global volume was down only slightly from the prior year and a 4% annual rate of increase is forecast. Flexible packaging is a higher value segment that represents one-quarter of the packaging adhesive dollars in 2009. Construction was the third-largest adhesive outlet in 2009, with 16% of the volume and 10% of the dollars. Construction adhesive applications include ceramic tile and flooring installation, pipe cements, roofing, wall coverings, etc. Volume was down more than 10% compared to 2008, as activity declined significantly in the mature economies.

Woodworking is the fourth-largest end use, taking 11% of the 2009 volume and 8% of the dollars. Wood furniture is a leading application, and global production suffered the effects of the recession. The automotive industry is the fifth-largest end use in dollars, with a 6% share despite representing only 2% of the dollars. Adhesives consumed by car and truck manufacturers are included, as well as those used in the aftermarket. Global vehicle production was 61 million units in 2009, which was down 13% compared to 2008. Steep declines occurred in Europe and North America. In contrast, production in Asia-Pacific remained about the same as output surged in China. Some 810 million vehicles are on the world’s roads, with adhesives used by both the professional and consumer. Excluded from automotive adhesives are windshield sealants, a nearly $600 million market in 2009, as well as several other sealant types.

The five largest adhesive applications took 80% of the adhesive volume in 2009 and two-thirds of the value. Figure 2 shows adhesive consumption by end use in dollars for 2009. Electronics, bookbinding, and aerospace are larger end uses in the “other” category.

Adhesive Technologies

Enlarge this picture
Figure 3. Adhesive Consumption by Technology, 2009 ($20.6 Billion Total)

Figure 3 summarizes the four major adhesive technologies in value for 2009. Water-based adhesives are the leading type, with $6.7 billion consumed (33% of the global adhesive sales dollars). Water-based adhesives are generally lower in cost and they represented over one-half of the 2009 pounds.

Solvent-based technology is second in dollars, with its $5.7 billion (28%) of the value. Hot-melts were third, representing one-fifth of the dollars, with packaging and disposable products leading outlets. The 100% reactive category was slightly behind hot-melts in dollars, with a 19% share. These products are generally the highest priced adhesives, and they captured only 4% of the volume. Epoxy, polyurethane, cyanoacrylate, anaerobic, structural acrylic, etc. products are included.

Adhesive Types

Enlarge this picture
Figure 4. Adhesives Consumption by Type, 2009 ($20.6 Billion Total)

Adhesives employ a host of polymer types in their formulation. Sales of the leading adhesives by polymer type in 2009 are shown in Figure 4. Acrylics are topmost, with their $3.6 billion in sales representing a 17% share. Acrylic emulsion-based formulations were 72% of the dollars and solvent-based acrylics accounted for 23%. Smaller amounts of structural acrylics and radiation-cured hot-melts are used. Water-based polyvinyl acetate (PVAC) and vinyl acetate-ethylene (VAE) adhesives comprised 14% of the adhesive dollars. Woodworking and packaging are the larger outlets.

Polyurethane adhesives were 12% of the sales and are formulated using each of the four major technologies. Solvent-based formulations were one-half of the polyurethane dollars, with flexible packaging and footwear the largest applications. The 100% reactive polyurethanes were about one-third of the dollars, with flexible packaging and automotive its major outlets. Hot-melt polyurethanes were 10% of the sales and water-based formulations another 7%.

Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) and polyethylene hot-melts were 9% of the adhesive dollars in 2009, as were styrenic block copolymer hot-melts. Packaging is the major user of EVA and polyethylene hot-melts. Some 95% of the styrenic block copolymer adhesives are used in pressure-sensitive products and disposable products (diapers and other).

Epoxy adhesives are used in several higher dollar value end uses, which include the electronic, aerospace and automotive industries. Polychloroprene adhesives are largely solvent-based, although water-based versions have gained share in recent years. Footwear, woodworking and construction are the larger outlets. Larger dollar value adhesives included in “other” are cyanoacrylate, anaerobic, rubber, starch and dextrin, polyester, and polyamide.

Competitive Outlook

Acquisitions continue to alter the adhesive supplier structure. In 2009, the top 20 formulated adhesive suppliers captured 47% of the sales value. These companies sold about 55% of the adhesives in North America, Europe, and South and Central America. Their share in the Asia-Pacific region was only about one-third of the total, but it is expected to rise.

Many adhesive suppliers augment their sales with related products, which can include sealants, binders, construction products, electronic potting and encapsulating compounds, coatings, etc. Although the supplier base in large-volume end uses is concentrated, the wide range of end users, applications and technologies yields thousands of suppliers and an environment where novel technologies thrive.

The above information is based on The Global Adhesives Industry, a new study by Steven Nerlfi, Minesh Kusumgar, and Michael Growney. For more information, phone (201) 773-0785, e-mail nerlfikng@cs.com or visitwww.kusumgar-nerlfi-growney.com.

在多年销售的不断增长后,胶粘剂需求量在2009年的全球萧条中下跌5% 。2009年,全球GDP下降约1%,工业产品下跌近3% 。预计2009年胶粘剂的消耗量是166亿磅(206亿美元)。随着全球经济的复苏,预计到2014年,胶粘剂的需求量将达到4.5%的年增长率。在欧洲和北美的成熟经济体的缓慢增长的同时,新兴经济体的增长将非常强健。预计在欧盟和北美每人超过$12的胶水需求量,在中国、印度、巴西将降至每户不足$3。


Figure 1. Adhesive Consumption by Region($ Billion)

亚太地区是预计胶粘剂的最大消费体;其消耗量在2009年达到总量的40%,总消费金额的34% 。当2009年的总销售额轻微下降时,该地区消耗量较上年却有轻微上涨。中国拥有53%的消耗量,占总销售额的49%,是亚太地区最大的胶水消费者。尽管对其产品的出口需求量偏弱,但中国胶水的消耗量在2009年的国内经济扩张中仍然增长6% 。预计中国胶粘剂需求量将有9% 的稳健增长量。

日本,该地区胶粘剂的第二大需求量国家,占2009年总消耗量的16%,占总销售额的1/5。相比2008年,日本需求量大幅度降低,前景预计不佳。印度为胶水小用户,占地区用量的6%,总销售额的5% 。中国是全球仅有的几个在2009年胶水用量有些微增长的国家之一。印度的胶水用量预计在2014年达到11%的年增长率。

欧洲是预计胶水的第二大消费地区,2009年占世界总需求量的30%,总销售额的32% 。2009年之前,欧洲是胶水销售额的领跑者。欧洲胶水消耗量的大幅下跌使得亚太地区可以趁机追赶,预期在未来几年内扩展销量以获取领跑地位。预计欧洲胶水将有3%的年增长率,东欧国家增长速度略大于西欧国家。欧盟成员约占欧洲总胶水销量的93% 。

北美在2009年占全球胶水用量的24%,总销售额的27% 。与欧洲市场一样,北美市场大幅较2008年大幅下跌。美国消耗量达到整个地区近90%,余下的需求量由加拿大和墨西哥均分。预计北美的胶水需求量将有3%的缓慢增长。2009年,南美和中部国家消耗量占全球消耗量和销售额的5% 。巴西是该地区的领跑者,占总量的57%。在2009年的全球经济萧条中,巴西比大多数国家更经得起风霜,胶水需求量仅下降了2% 。预计南美和中美洲在2014年的胶水需求量将达到5%的年增长率。



Figure 2. Adhesive Consumption by End Use, 2009. ($20.6 Billion Total)

压敏产品是胶水的最大应用点,占2009年全球总量的28%,总销售额的25% 。应用包括:胶带、标签、贴花纸,以及许多其他特有产品。超过450亿产品需要涂胶,包括胶带在内,占总量比例超过60% 。2/3的胶水销售量是由压敏产品生产商在室内生产的。随着新兴经济体(中国、印度、巴西等)的快速扩张,预计2014年压敏胶粘剂将达到5%的年增长率。

包装是胶水终端用途的第二大应用点,在2009年,占总销售量的22%,总销售额的18% 。全球需求量较前年仅轻微下调,预计将有4%的年增长率。软包装是高产值部分,在2009年占包装用品胶水销售量的1/4.结构胶属于包装用胶第三大胶水需求点,占2009年总需求量的16%,总销售额的10% 。结构胶应用包括瓷砖和地板的安装、管道粘接、房顶及墙面涂胶等。结构胶在成熟经济体中的需求量大幅下跌。相比2008年,需求量下跌了不只10%。

木工艺是终端用途的第四大模块,占2009年总需求量的11%,总销售额的8%。木制家具是领头应用点;全球生产也受到了经济萧条的影响。汽车工业是终端应用的第五大模块,占全球需求量的6%,全球销售额的2% 。该模块包括汽车、卡车生产商的胶水消耗量,已经用于售后的消耗量。2009年,全球的交通工具产品达到6100万单位,相比2008年下降了13%。欧洲、北美地区遭受急剧下降。相反,亚太地区与中国同样保持大批量产量。大概8.1亿的交通工具已投入到世界的道路上,意味着胶水在被专业生产及非专业用户同时使用着。不包括从汽车挡风玻璃密封胶,在2009年有近6亿美元的市场,以及其他一些类型的密封胶。



Figure 3. Adhesive Consumption by Technology, 2009($20.6 Billion Total)




Figure 4. Adhesives Consumption by Type, 2009($20.6 Billion Total)


聚氨基甲酸乙酯粘合剂占销售额的12%,可用4个主要技术中的任何一个来配置。溶剂型配方占聚氨基甲酸乙酯销售额的一半,最常用于软包装和鞋产品。所有的活性聚氨基甲酸乙酯占总销售额的1/3,主要应用于软包装盒汽车业。热熔型聚氨基甲酸乙酯占销售额的10%,水性配方占7% 。




跨国并购继续改变着胶水供应商的结构。2009年,前20个胶粘剂配方供应商占取了总销售额的47% 。这些公司销售了55%的粘合剂到北美、欧洲、南美及中美洲。他们在亚太地区仅占约1/3,但预计可上升。


以上信息基于新调查结果The Global Adhesives Industry(全球粘合剂工业),作者是Steven Nerlfi, Minesh Kusumgar, and Michael Growney。如需更多信息,可致电:(201)773-0785.  E-mail: nerlfikng@cs.com 或访问网站 www.kusumgar-nerlfigrowney.com .






















说到植筋胶(锚固胶),补充几句,我弟弟是在中交二航局武汉研究院,专门从事道路及桥梁的修葺工作,当时他告诉我他们院里每年都要花上百万在胶水上面,而且像类似植筋胶什么的用量非常大,据说用植筋胶把钢筋插入墙体固化后,用拉力机去做拉拔测试,将钢筋拔断了也没能从胶里面拔出来的,可见这种胶的强度是非常大的。另外有一次他们在杭州负责一个项目时,当时他带着几种胶粘剂去北京的某研究所做测试认证报告,据说也花了两三万元,比起我们常见的环保方面的SGS什么的也还真不便宜,呵呵。 不过我后来查了一下做植筋胶的公司,基本上都是一些建筑工程公司,而非胶粘剂公司,估计技术含量相对应该比较有限,就像有些公司自行配置低端的环氧双组分胶差不多。而且差不多每个省都有类似的公司。



Henkel Loctite Hysol OS2800 TDS


Hysol® OS2800 is a fast curing, water-white epoxy casting system designed specifically for the encapsulation of seven segment displays. This new system will cure rapidly at temperature above 100°C and can be colored by the addition of specific dye concentrates, AC7113 red, AC7044 green and AC7112 yellow. AC7117 is recommended as a standard diffusant for OS2800.


Optoelectronic Liquid Encapsulant


OS2800 OS2800

Part A Part B

Color Clear Blue Clear

Lt. Yellow

Specific Gravity @ 25°C, (77°F) 1.15 1.18

Gm/cc ASTM D1475

Shelf Life @ 25°C, (77°F), months 12 6

Typical Value

Viscosity @ 25°C, (77°F)

ASTM D2393

Brookfield RVF , cP 6,500 225



Color Water-white

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, in/in/°C

ASTM D3386 70 x 10-6

Glass Transition, T(g),°C 130

Moisture Absorption, % (ASTM D570)

24 hours @ 115°C 1.88

7 days @ 25°C 0.45

Hardness, Shore D, (ASTM D2240) 90

Tensile Strength, psi, (ASTM D790) 10,000

Flexural Strength, psi (ASTM D790) 20,000

Cured Electrical Properties



100 Hz 3.17 0.006

1 kHz 3.13 0.011

10 kHz 3.05 0.014

100 kHz 2.96 0.012

K = Dielectric constant by ASTM D150

D = Dissipation Factor by ASTM D150

Performance Properties

T-Cycles (55°C-+100°C)

<1% failures 1,000 cycles

Light Transmittance 400 nm 800 nm

Initial 75% 90%

After 500 hours @ 121°C 56% 90%


(Recommended mix ratio and typical mixed properties)

Mix Ratio, parts by weight* 100/106

Pot Life, Hours 5-6

Initial Mixed Viscosity @ 25°C, cP 1100

*Mix ratio of these materials is fixed by their chemistry. Any attempt to increase or decrease the cure rate by adding more or less hardener will result in degraded materials.


For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet, (MSDS).


This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a sealant for chlorine or their strong oxidizing materials

Cure Schedule

(Recommended for optimum properties)

Recommended Cure 4 hours @ 105°C

Note: Larger parts may require 2 hours @ 85°C pre-cure to minimize exotherm. If exotherm temperature exceeds 140°C, severe yellowing will occur. Typical cured properties were determined using the recommended cure schedule. Some differences in properties may occur with the alternate or other cure schedules.


The data contained herein are furnished for information only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot assume responsibility for the results obtained by others over whose methods we have no control. It is the user’s responsibility to determine suitability for the user’s purpose of any production methods mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as may be advisable for the protection of property and of persons against any hazards that may be involved in the handling and use thereof. In light of the foregoing, Loctite Corporation specifically disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, arising from sale or use of Loctite Corporation’s products. Loctite Corporation specifically disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits. The discussion herein of various processes or compositions is not to be interpreted as representation that they are free from domination of patents owned by others or as a license under any Loctite Corporation patents that may cover such processes or compositions. We recommend that each prospective user test his proposed application before repetitive use, using this data as a guide. This product may be covered by one or more United States or foreign patents or patent applications.



  Henkel Loctite Hysol OS2800 TDS (32.3 KB, 151 次)



近日在论坛有看到网友咨询胶粘剂的防水等级事宜,其实以前关注比较多的是电子封装和组装的胶粘剂,基本上也比较少涉及, 听得比较多的反而是防火等级,即UL-94V0等认证,而关于防水这一块几乎很少有客户要求。现在比较热门的行业类似LED电源灌封,尤其是用于户外的产品,貌似对这一块都提出了相应的要求,具体可以点击参看此帖。 后来在网上搜寻了一下,找到了关于防水等级的资料,但好像不知针对胶粘剂的,贴在这里大家参考一下:



0级 无保护
1级 可以消除垂直落下水滴的有害影响
2级 对与垂直方向在15度以内落下的水滴有防护作用
3级 可以消除与垂直方向在60度的喷雾状水滴的有害影响
4级 可以消除从不同方向飞溅水滴的有害影响
5级 可以消除对各方向喷嘴喷射水流的有害影响
6级 可以消除对各方向喷嘴强力喷射水流的有害影响
7级 顶部距离水面0.15—1米,连续30分钟,性能不受影响,不漏水
8级 顶部距离水面1.5—30米,连续30分钟,性能不受影响,不漏水




防护等级IP54, IP为标记字母,数字5为第一标记数字,4为第二标记数字 第一标记数字表示接触保护和外来物保护等级,第二标记数字表示防水保护等级;
接触保护和外来物保护等级(第一个数字) 防水保护等级( 第二个数字)
防护范围 第二个数字
第一个数字 防护范围
名称 说明 名称 说明
0 无防护 0 无防护
1 防护50mm直径和更大的固体外来体 探测器,球体直径为50mm,不应完全进入 1 水滴防护 垂直落下的水滴不应引起损害
2 防护12.5mm直径和更大的固体外来体 探测器,球体直径为12.5mm,不应完全进入 2 柜体倾斜15度时,防护水滴 柜体向任何一侧倾斜15度角时,垂直落下的水滴不应引起损害
3 防护2.5mm直径和更大的固体外来体 探测器,球体直径为2.5mm,不应完全进入 3 防护溅出的水 以60度角从垂直线两侧溅出的水不应引起损害
4 防护1.0mm直径和更大的固体外来体 探测器,球体直径为1.0mm,不应完全进入 4 防护喷水 从每个方向对准柜体的喷水都不应引起损害
5 防护灰尘 不可能完全阻止灰尘进入,但灰尘进入的数量不会对设备造成伤害 5 防护射水 从每个方向对准柜体的射水都不应引起损害
6 灰尘封闭 柜体内在20毫巴的低压时不应进入灰尘 6 防护强射水 从每个方向对准柜体的强射水都不应引起损害
7 防护短时浸水 柜体在标准压力下短时浸入水中时,不应有能引起损害的水量浸入
注:探测器的直径不应穿过柜体的孔 8 防护长期浸水 可以在特定的条件下浸入水中,不应有能引起损害的水量浸
技术文摘 – 防水试验
试验条件:滴水量为1   0.5 mm/min;
试验持续时间:10 min;
方法名称:倾斜 15°滴水试验
试样放置:使试样的一个面与垂线成15°角,样品顶部至滴水口的距离不大于200mm。每试完一个面后,换另一个 .....面,共四次。
试验条件: 滴水量为3 0.5 mm/min;
试验持续时间: 4×2.5 min(共10 min);
试验条件:水流量按摆管的喷水孔数计算,每孔为 0.07 L/min。 淋水时,摆管中点两边各60°弧段内的喷水孔的喷水喷向样品。被试样品放在摆管半圆中心。摆管沿垂线两边各摆动60°,共120°。每次摆动(2×120°)约4s 。
试验时间:连续淋水10 min 。
试验条件:试验时应安装带平衡重物的挡板,水流量为10 L/min
试验时间:按被检样品外壳表面积计算,每平方米为1 min (不包括安装面积),最少5 min 。
试验设备和试样放置:与上述第(3)条 IPX3 之a 款均相同;
试验条件: 除下述条件外,与上述第(3)条 IPX3 之a 款均相同;
喷水面积为摆管中点两边各90°弧段内喷水孔的喷水喷向样品。被试样品放在摆管半圆中心。摆管沿垂两边各摆动180°,共约360°。每次摆动 (2×360°) 约12s 。
试验时间: 与上述第(3) 条 IPX3 之a 款均相同 (即10 min )。
试验设备和试样放置:设备上安装带平衡重物的挡板应拆去,其余与上述第(3) 条 IPX3 之b款均相同;
试验条件:除下述条件外,与上述第(3)条 IPX3 之b款均相同;
试验时间:与上述第(3)条 IPX3 之b款均相同, 即按被检样品外壳表面积计算,每平方米为1min(不包括安装面积)最少5min 。
试验设备:喷嘴的喷水口内径为6.3mm; 装置图形及其试验方法见本书2.14
试验条件:使试验样品至喷水口相距为2.5~3m,水流量为12.5 L/min (750 L/h);
试验时间:按被检样品外壳表面积计算,每平方米为1min(不包括安装面积)最少3 min 。
试验设备:喷嘴的喷水口内径为12.5 mm; 装置图形及其试验方法见本书第2.14章;
试验条件:使试验样品至喷水口相距为2.5~3m,水流量为100 L/min (6000 L/h);
试验时间:按被检样品外壳表面积计算,每平方米为1min(不包括安装面积)最少3 min 。
试验设备和试验条件:浸水箱。其尺寸应使试样放进浸水箱后,样品底部到水面的距离至少为 1m 。试样顶部到水面距离至少为0.15 m 。
试验时间: 30 min 。
方法名称: 持续潜水试验;
试验设备,试验条件和试验时间: 由供需(买卖)双方商定.其严酷程度应比IPX7高。

Henkel Loctite Hysol FP4450 TDS


FP4450 provides the following product characteristics:

Technology Epoxy

Appearance Black

Product Benefits • High purity

Low stress

Good moisture resistance

Exhibits relatively high flow

High temperature performance

Excellent chemical resistance

Filler Weight, % 73

Cure Heat cure

Application Encapsulant

Operating Temperature -65 to 150 °C

Typical Package Application

Automotive applications, BGA, IC memory cards, Chip carriers, Hybrid circuits, Chip-on-board, Multi-chip modules and Pin grid arrays

FP4450 encapsulant is designed for protection of bare semiconductor devices. It offers pressure pot performance on live devices up to 500 hours with no failures, depending upon the device and package type. A cavity or potting dam is required for flow control.


Viscosity, Brookfield – RVT, 25 °C, cps:

Spindle 7, speed 20 rpm 43,900

Specific Gravity @ 25 °C 1.77

Pot life @ 25 °C, days 3

Gel Time @ 121ºC, minutes 12

Shelf Life @ -40°C, months 9

Flash Point – See MSDS


Recommended Cure Schedule

30 minutes @ 125°C plus

90 minutes @ 165°C

Alternative Cure Schedule

1 hour @ 165°C

The above cure profile is a guideline recommendation. Cure conditions (time and temperature) may vary based on customers’ experience and their application requirements, as well as customer curing equipment, oven loading and actual oven temperatures.


Physical Properties:

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion , ppm/°C:

Below Tg (40 to 120°C) 22

Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) by TMA, °C 155

Alpha Particle Emissions, cts/cm²/hr 0.005

Extractable Ionic Content, ppm:

Chloride (Cl-) 5

Sodium (Na+) 1

Potassium (K+) 2


For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet, (MSDS).

This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials.

Not for product specifications

The technical data contained herein are intended as reference only. Please contact your local quality department for assistance and recommendations on specifications for this product.


1. Allow container to reach room temperature before use.

2. DO NOT open the container before contents reach 25°C temperature. Any moisture that collects on the thawed container should be removed prior to opening the container.

3. DO NOT re-freeze. Once thawed, the adhesive should not be re-frozen.


1. For best results, dispense onto substrate warmed to 80°C.


Store product in the unopened container in a dry location. Storage information may be indicated on the product container labeling. Optimal Storage: -40 °C. Storage below minus (-)40 °C or greater than minus (-)40 °C can adversely affect product properties.

Material removed from containers may be contaminated during use. Do not return product to the original container. Henkel Corporation cannot assume responsibility for product which has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than those previously indicated. If additional information is required, please contact your local Technical Service Center or Customer Service Representative.



  Henkel Loctite Hysol FP4450 TDS (62.6 KB, 175 次)


Hernon Dissipator 746 TDS

Product Description

Hernon  Dissipator  746 is a thermally conductive adhesive formulated for bonding electrical components to heat sinks or printed circuit boards. Fast room temperature cure combined with excellent heat dissipation for thermally sensitive components and controlled strength for service repair provide perfect replacement for tapes, epoxies, silicones, fasteners and mechanical clips.

Typical Applications

Typical applications include bonding transformers, transistors and other heat generating electronic components to printed circuit board assemblies or heat sinks.

Typical Properties (Uncured)

Property Value

Chemical type Modified acrylic

Appearance White paste

Viscosity at 77ºF (25ºC), Cp  at 2.5 rpm    500,000 to 2,000,000

at 20 rpm     300,000 to 800,000

Specific gravity 1.64

Flash point See MSDS

Typical Properties (Cured)

Physical Properties

Property Value

Coefficient of thermal expansion, ASTM D696 (K-1)    69 x 10-6

Coefficient of thermal conductivity,ASTM C 177, W/(m·K)  0.76

Tensile Strength at break, ISO 527, N/mm² (psi)  12.8 (1,860)

Elongation at break, ISO 527, %   0.92

Young’s Modulus, N/mm² (psi) 2,760 (400,000)

Temperature Range, ºC (ºF) -55 to 150 (-65 to 300)

Electrical Properties

Property Value

Dielectric Strength, IEC 60243-1, kV/mm  26.7

Dielectric Constant   IEC 60250 @ 100 Hz  6.49

1kHz    5.87

1 MHz  5.23

Dissipation Factor  IEC 60250  @ 100 Hz  0.10

1 kHz   0.04

10 kHz  0.03

Volume Resistivity, Ω·cm, IEC 60093   1.3 × 1012

Surface Resistivity, Ω, IEC 60093      5.1 × 1013

Typical Curing Performance

Dissipator 746, when used with Hernon EFActivator 63, fixtures at room temperature in less than five minutes.

Typical Cured Performance

Cured for 24 hours @ 22ºC.

Steel lap-shear specimens (EF Activator 63 applied to one surface), Shear Strength, ISO 4587

Property Value    Shear Strength, N/mm² (psi) ≥ 6.9 (≥ 1000)

Typical Environmental Resistance

Cured for 72 hours @ 22ºC.

steel lap-shear specimens (EF Activator 63 applied to one surface), Shear Strength, ISO 4587

Chemical/Solvent Resistance

Aged under conditions indicated for 720 hours and  tested at 22ºC.

Chemical/Solvent Temp (ºC) % of Initial Strength

Air              87          140

Water           87           75

Freon TF         87          85

Thermal Cycle Resistance

Bonded aluminum to epoxyglass lapshears cured 72hours using EF Activator 63 on 1 side were subjected to thermal cycling of 15ºC to 100ºC with a ramp time of 30 minutes. No loss in strength occurred after 1,000 hours of cycle time.

General Information

For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

Directions for use

1. For best performance bond surfaces should be clean and free from grease.

2. Use applicator to apply the activator to the surface to be bonded.

3. After the solvent evaporates, the active ingredients will appear wet, and will remain active for up to 2 hours after application. Contamination of the surface before bonding should be prevented.

4. Apply adhesive to the unactivated surface.

5. Secure the assembly, and wait for the adhesive to fixture (approximately 5 minutes) before any further handling. Full cure occurs in 4 to 12 hours.

6. The amount of adhesive applied to the part or heat sink should be limited to the amount necessary to fill the bond and just enough to give a small fillet.

7. The dispensing or application of the adhesive should be done as to minimize air entrapment within the bondline.

Device Removal/Repair

Components or devices with this thermally conductive adhesive can be removed while hot using heat from a hot air jet. Bond strength decreases at approximately 65ºC to 93ºC allowing components to be removed with lower shear forces. Method of removal/repair should be specifically determined due to the variety of components or devices bonding behavior.


Dissipator 746 should be stored in a cool, dry location in unopened containers at a temperature between 46ºF to 82ºF (8ºC to 28ºC) unless otherwise labeled. Optimal storage is at the lower half of this temperature range. To prevent contamination of unused material, do not return any material to its original container.

Dispensing Equipment

Hernon offers a complete line of semi and fully automated dispensing equipment. Contact Hernon Sales for additional information.

These suggestions and data are based on information we believe to be reliable and accurate, but no guarantee of their accuracy is made. HERNON MANUFACTURING, INC. shall not be liable for any damage, loss or injury, direct or consequential arising out of the use or the inability to use the product. In every case, we urge and recommend that purchasers, before using any product in full scale production, make their own tests to determine whether the product is of satisfactory quality and suitability for their operations, and the user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever, in connection therewith. Hernon’s Quality Management System for the design and manufacture of high performance adhesives and sealants is registered to the ISO 9001 Quality Standard.



  Hernon Dissipator 746 (96.4 KB, 110 次)


    • Name:QiuBo QQ:1808976
      Mobile Phone:13923499497



