—— anndi

《【扒一扒】日本高纯球形硅微粉材料生产商》:  作为一种无机非金属矿物功能性粉体材料,硅微粉广泛应用于电子材料、电工绝缘材料、胶黏剂、特种陶瓷、精密铸造、油漆涂料、油墨、硅橡胶等领域。 目前,世界上只有中国、日本、韩国、美国等少数国家具备硅微粉生产能力... 全文 ?



众所周知,常见胶粘剂一般分为丙烯酸系列、环氧系列、有机硅系列、氰基丙烯酸系列、聚氨酯系列等等。而不同类型的胶粘剂在某些方面都有着各自的特性,例如需要耐温的话一般有机硅会比较有优势,强度要求比较高的话环氧一般会比较有优势,而如果对弹性要求的话有机硅、聚氨酯又会更有优势。 现在其实很多体系都是可以相互改性而来弥补原有体系的不足,但这样一般也会需要付出较高的成本。最近公司在和美国赫能合作,从他们的一份资料里面找到了一个简易的对比表,大家可以参考一下。他们这份表主要是针对他们公司的产品,有些方面是比较片面的,例如他里面提到环氧需要双组分混合设备等等,其实早就有单组分热固化的环氧了。还有其它的一些与实际差异比较大的地方,就不一一表述了。 请参看下表:

Adhesive Category
Performance Considerations Acrylics Cyanoacrylates Epoxies Silicones
Benefits Good impactresistance/flexbility Excellent adhesion to rubber or plastics Wide rangeof formulations Excellent termperatureresistance
Limitations Primer required Low solvent resistance Mixing required Low strength
Temperature Resistance Typical for the category -65°F to 300°F -65°F to 180°F -65°F to 180°F -65°F to 400°F
Highest Temperature Resistance 400°F 250°F 275°F 600°F
Environmental Resistance
Polar Solvents (ex, H20, Ethylene Glycol, IPA, Acetone) Good Poor Very Good Good
Non-Polar Solvents (ex, Motor Oil, Toluene, Gasoline, ATF) Very Good Good Excellent Poor
Adhesion to Substrates
Metals Excellent Very Good Excellent Good
Plastics Fair Excellent Fair Fair
Glass Excellent Poor Excellent Very Good
Rubber Poor Very Good Fair Good
Wood Good Good Very Good Fair
Overlapping Shear Strength High High High Low
Peel Strength Medium Low Medium Medium
Tensile Strength High High High Low
Elongation/Flexibility Medium Low Low Very High
Hardness Semi-Rigid Rigid Rigid Soft
Process Considerations
Number of Components 2 1 2 1
Cure Temperature Room Temp. Room Temp. Room Temp. Room Temp.
Fixture Time
Average 10 mins 60 secs 35 mins 25 mins
Fastest 30 secs 10 secs 3-5 mins 10 mins
Full Cure Time 24 hours 24 hours 12 – 24 hours 24 hours
Gap Fill
Ideal 0.002″ – .004″ 0.001″ – 0.003″ 0.004″ – 0.006″ 0.004″ – 0.006″
Maximum 0.040″ 0.010″ 0.125″ 0.240″
Dispensing/Mixing Equipment Required No No Yes No
Light Cure Versions Available? Yes Yes Yes Yes





从2007年开始,欧盟在电子业界就可开始对电子材料中卤素陆陆续续准备提出要求,并要求在2009年开始实施,到今天依然在陆续推进中,其中对电子行业中的胶粘剂也提出相应要求。 简单的标准是氯元素小于900ppm,溴元素小于900ppm,两者之和小于1500ppm。有些厂家加严了控制,要求是氯元素小于600ppm,溴元素小于600ppm,两者之和小于1000ppm。但是似乎没有参加对卤素中另外三个元素氟、碘、砹提出过要求。不过砹属于人工放射性元素,不在控制之列。


先回顾一下卤素的概念:卤素是卤族元素Halogen的简称,卤族元素指周期系ⅦA族元素。包括氟(F)、氯(Cl)、溴(Br)、碘(I)、砹(At),简称卤素。它们在自然界都以典型的盐类存在 ,是成盐元素。卤族元素的单质都是双原子分子,它们的物理性质的改变都是很有规律的,随着分子量的增大,卤素分子间的色散力逐渐增强,颜色变深,它们的熔点、沸点、密度、原子体积也依次递增。卤素都有氧化性,氟单质的氧化性最强。卤族元素和金属元素构成大量无机盐,此外,在有机合成等领域也发挥着重要的作用。卤素的化学性质都很相似,它们的最外电子层上都有7个电子,有取得一个电子形成稳定的八隅体结构的卤离子的倾向,因此卤素都有氧化性,原子半径越小,氧化性越强,因此氟是单质中氧化性最强者。除F外,卤素的氧化态为+1、+3、+5、+7,与典型的金属形成离子化合物,其他卤化物则为共价化合物。卤素与氢结合成卤化氢,溶于水生成氢卤酸。卤素之间形成的化合物称为互卤化物,如ClF3、ICl。卤素还能形成多种价态的含氧酸,如HClO、HClO2、HClO3、HClO4。卤素单质都很稳定,除了I2以外,卤素分子在高温时都很难分解。卤素及其化合物的用途非常广泛。例如,我们每天都要食用的食盐,主要就是由氯元素与钠元素组成的氯化物。卤素单质的毒性,从F开始依次降低。从F到At,其氢化物的酸性依次增强,但氢化物的稳定性呈递减趋势。氧化性:F2> Cl2> Br2> I2> At2,但还原性相反。另外,卤素的化学性质都较活泼,因此卤素只以化合态存在于自然界中。


再谈回到有卤低卤和无卤胶粘剂,其实一般而言有卤胶粘剂是指超出欧盟对HF标准要求的胶粘剂,而低卤是指符合欧盟对HF标准要求的胶粘剂,而无卤应该是指完全不含卤素的胶粘剂。 而在实际应用中,往往客户要求的无卤胶粘剂应该就是指低卤胶粘剂,因为就胶粘剂体系而言,类似环氧类胶粘剂由于主体树脂的限制,其实是不可能做到完全无卤的,加上填料、固化剂、稀释剂、颜料等都有可能带入卤素,所以严格意义上的无卤环氧树脂胶粘剂几乎是不存在的。而像有机硅系列或者其它系列的胶粘剂还有可能做到真正意义上的无卤。


关于为什么环氧胶粘剂不能做到严格意义上的无卤,大家可以参看以前的博文,看看环氧树脂是怎样制备的,请参看《环氧树脂入门》学习笔记之 《第二章 环氧树脂》。由于某些领域对低卤环氧树脂有要求,所以相应低卤的环氧树脂也应运而生。传统的双酚A或者F的树脂一般氯元素含量在1000~3000ppm不等,一般进口的相应会低一些,而国产的相应会高一些。而这类普通环氧树脂的价格在30元/kg上下,价格也会随整个化工材料行业而波动。而一般氯元素在500至800ppm之间的则价格就达到了200-400元不等,而300至500ppm之间的价格就达到了500-700元,而能严格控制在300ppm一下的这价格高达上千元。而目前这些树脂都还只有日本和欧洲的树脂公司才能够提供。国产的能控制到接近1000ppm已经非常不容易了。 据悉能严格控制在300ppm以下的树脂的整个生产工艺是经过了特殊的改造,能严格控制在300ppm一下,而其余300-800ppm之间的很多树脂据说都是从很多批次中特意筛选出来的,因为对原有的工艺只是进行了略微的改造。也难怪只有那家价格最贵的公司才敢给客户提供卤素含量数据的出厂检测报告,而其余家的出场检测报告上是不含这个指标的。其实环氧树脂太纯即如果卤素含量太低其实也是有隐患的,一个最常出现的问题就是结晶,甚至做成了胶水也可能会产生类似的问题。


另外补充一条,在没有对卤素提出要求之前,其实大家可以看到很多技术资料中有一项关于离子含量的指标,其中就有氯离子Cl和溴离子Br的含量。这个其实是指游离卤素,即以离子形式存在于产品中,或者也称为无机卤素,因为他们是不会连接在树脂基团上的,是可以溶解于水中,可以直接用滴定的方式测量的。此类无机卤素如果存在于胶粘剂中,可能会对粘接材料的电性能及耐腐蚀性能等造成影响,这也是为什么很多电子胶粘剂中经常会有此参数的。游离卤素的控制及检测都相对比较容易(像在环氧树脂生产过程中一般就是采用水洗的方式,且检测一般也是用电位计等配合溶液进行滴定测量)。而对于总卤素的测量像SGS等公司一般都是采用BS EN14582:2007的方法,大家有空可以去电子胶水论坛相应版块了解一下。






上个月我那用了四年多的IBM X60笔记本电脑的散热着实有问题,开着迅雷然后看电影什么的电脑就经常自己熄火了,风扇部位也非常烫,不知道是不是风扇出了问题,后来到南山赛格找了家修理笔记本的把电脑拆了清理了一遍,花了五十大洋。没有什么硬件问题,主要是用的时间太长,里面的积尘较多,把风扇及散热器清理了并给风扇加了点油。不过在看别人拆机的时候还真看到了不少用胶点,也算是联系了实际,大概的几个用胶点如下:



首先是与主板连接的部位四角有使用四角邦定的胶水(corner bonding),但是这个地方与我以前理解和见过的图不同,这里的四角邦定只是点了单个的胶点,而不是严格意义上的在每个拐角打上L型的胶,先放一张严格意义上的四角邦定胶图片:




乐泰LOCTITE导热胶粘剂3874 TDS资料


3874™ provides the following product characteristics:

Technology Acrylic

Chemical Type Acrylic ester

Appearance (uncured) Light grey opaque fluid , No visible bubbles. Slight separation of filler acceptableLMS

Components One component – requires no mixing

Viscosity High, thixotropic

Cure Activator

Application Bonding


3874™ is a thermally conductive adhesive. When used with Activator 7387™, it cures rapidly to form a high strength, high modulus, thermoset acrylic polymer. Typical applications include bonding heat sinks to heat dissipating components such as BGAs in electronics applications. The thixotropic nature of 3874™ reduces the migration of liquid product after application to the substrate.



Specific Gravity@ 25 °C 2.08

Flash Point – See MSDS

Viscosity, Brookfield – HBT, 25 °C, mPa·s (cP):

Spindle TB, speed 0.5 rpm, Helipath 800,000 to 1,800,000LMS

Spindle TB, speed 5 rpm, Helipath 200,000 to 450,000LMS

Cure Speed vs. Substrate

The rate of cure will depend on the substrate used. The graph below shows the shear strength developed with time on grit blasted steel lap shears and tested according to ISO 4587. (Activator 7387™ applied to one surface).



Cured for 24 hours @ 70 °C, followed by 7 days @ 22 °C

Physical Properties:

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, ISO 11359-2, K-1  76×10-6

Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity, ISO 8302, W/(m·K) 1.25

Glass Transition Temperature, °C 49 Shore Hardness, ISO 868, Durometer D 72

Elongation, at break, ISO 37, % 3.2


Initial @ 22 °C.

Electrical Properties:

Volume Resistivity, IEC 60093, Ω·cm 4.3×1014

Surface Resistivity, IEC 60093, Ω 3.8×1014

Dielectric Breakdown Strength, IEC 60243-1, kV/mm 23.6

After 1 week @ 85 °C / 85% RH

Electrical Properties:

Volume Resistivity, IEC 60093, Ω·cm 1.5×1014

Surface Resistivity, IEC 60093, Ω 2.6×1013

Dielectric Breakdown Strength, IEC 60243-1, kV/mm 3.5



Adhesive Properties

After 24 hours @ 22 °C, Activator 7387™ on 1 side Lap Shear Strength, ISO 4587: Steel N/mm² ≥11.7LMS

(psi) (≥1,695)

Aluminum N/mm² ≥7LMS (psi) (≥1,015)



This product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials For safe handling information on this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).


Directions for use:

1. For best performance bond surfaces should be clean and free from grease.

2. Apply Activator 7387™ to one of the bond surfaces and the adhesive to the other surface. Parts should be assembled immediately..

3. Excess adhesive can be wiped away with organic solvent.

4. Bond should be held clamped until adhesive has fixtured.

5. Product should be allowed to develop full strength before subjecting to any service loads (typically 24 to 72 hours after assembly, depending on bond gap, materials and ambient conditions).


Loctite Material SpecificationLMS

LMS dated March-07, 2003. Test reports for each batch are available for the indicated properties. LMS test reports include selected QC test parameters considered appropriate to specifications for customer use. Additionally, comprehensive controls are in place to assure product quality and consistency. Special customer specification requirements may be coordinated through Henkel Quality.



Store product in the unopened container in a dry location. Storage information may be indicated on the product container labeling. Optimal Storage: 2 °C to 8 °C. Storage below 2 °C or greater than 8 °C can adversely affect product properties. Material removed from containers may be contaminated during use. Do not return product to the original container. Henkel Corporation cannot assume responsibility for product which has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than those previously indicated. If additional information is required, please contact your local Technical Service Center or Customer Service Representative.


  loctite 3874 TDS (59.7 KB, 184 次)



去年整理了关于胶粘剂粘度的文章,参看《胶粘术语—粘度(黏度Viscosity )》,不过近日又碰到有客户咨询胶粘剂的情况,其中一项指标是粘度在80dpa.s左右。初看到dpa.s这个单位还是一位又是客户的笔误,因为最常见的单位是mpa.s或者cps或者是pa.s。不过去网上查了一下,原来dpa.s也是其中的一个单位。在查询的过程中又看到了一个粘度的单位poise,其实在《胶粘术语—粘度(黏度Viscosity )》里面有关于poise的解释:“黏度的基本单位为 ”poise”。我们定义一材料在剪力为1 达因每平方公分、剪速为1 sec-1 下的黏度为100 poise。测量黏度时,你可能会遭遇到黏度的单位为 “Pa˙s” 或 “mPa˙s” 的情况,此为国际标准系统,且有时较被公制命名所接受。1Pa˙s 等于10 poise;1 mPa˙s 等于1 cp”,关于此几个单位的换算关系如下:


dpa.s 是decipascal-seconds 的缩写,是粘度单位


dpa.s单位一般用于高粘度表示,1dPa.s=100cps ,

1Pa.s=1000 cps,

1 m Pa.s=1 cps,



P(poise),cP(centi poise),








其实关于这几个单位里面的P有些应该是小写,有些应该是大写,有时候是帕斯卡的英文缩写,有时是poise的缩写,查了一下poise的因为释义为平衡的意思。 全文 »



今天收到一位客户咨询一款黑色的环氧胶的需求咨询,其中有一个新的要求和参数是第一次碰见,客户要求该胶水的“od值大于3”。 这个参数还是我第一次碰到,开始我还以为是客户的笔误,但后来到网上上查询了一下,倒还真有OD值这样的一个专业术语,摘录如下:




OD是optical density(光密度)的缩写,表示被检测物吸收掉的光密度,是检测方法里的专有名词,检测单位用OD值表示,1OD=1og(1/trans),其中trans为检测物的透光值。


检测单位用OD值表示, OD是optical density(光密度)的缩写,表示被检测物吸收掉的光密度, OD=1og(1/trans),其中trans为检测物的透光值。





OD值>Cut-off为阴性,OD值≤ Cut-off为阳性


从这里的定义和网上找到的资料来看,这个参数往往是用在乙肝检测及其他生化检测项目上面,似乎和胶粘剂没啥直接关系,类似的测试方式似乎也不适用于胶粘剂。后来又找到了一段更详细的解释,但也是用于生化方面的: 全文 »


Hernon ReAct 727 Technical Data Sheet

Product Description

Hernon ReAct 727 is a tough acrylic adhesive designed primarily for securing of ceramic permanent magnet segments in motor magnet bonding applications. This adhesive has also found wide acceptance in a variety of structural bonding applications due to its versatile performance capabilities.

ReAct 727 has demonstrated the ability to provide high tensile strength while maintaining excellent product flexibility. This results in tough, durable bonds with outstanding impact and peel resistance. This tough acrylic is a single component, room temperature curing adhesive which is used in conjunction with Hernon EF Activator 56.


Product Benefits

Improved Reliability

  • • High impact and shock resistance
  • • Temperature resistance: -40 to 300°F (-40 to 149°C)
  • • Good gap filling properties.
  • • Excellent adhesion to a variety of surfaces.
  • • Consistent rate of cure from 60 to 100°F (16 to 38°C)
  • • Consistent bond strength 全文 »

Hernon Dissipator 745 Technical Data Sheet

Product Description

Hernon Dissipator 745 is a thermally conductive room temperature cure adhesive that is designed for bonding electrical components to heat sink with a controlled gap.

Dissipator 745, through a special shimming property, insulates the component electrically while allowing thermal conductivity. This special shimming feature of produces a constant gap of 0.005 in. to 0.006 in. between components.


Product Benefits

No mixing required (eliminates errors in mixing ratio)

Room temperature cure. No heat required

Eliminates screws and rivets for assembly

Eliminates the air space between components

High k factor for heat conductive application 全文 »




Multi-Cure® 984-LVUF is a highly fluorescing, single-component, 100%-solids conformal coating specifically formulated for rapid room-temperature cure when exposed to UV light.  984-LVUF retains high fluorescence after curing.  Thin-layer coatings cure almost instantly to a depth of 7 mils and fluoresce upon exposure to “black” light.  Multi-Cure® 984-LVUF also exhibits adhesion to a variety of metal, ceramic, and glass-filled epoxy surfaces.  984-LVUF is a moderately low-viscosity coating which can be cured by exposure to UV light and secondarily cured with heat for shadowed areas on densely populated circuit boards.  This product is in full compliance with the RoHS Directives 2002/95/EC and 2003/11EC.


Multi-Cure® 984-LVUF is approved to Military Specification MIL-I-46058-C, Type AR, ER, and UR (QPL#576-90).  984-LVUF meets “NSA” hydrolytic stability (reversion) requirements.


Multi-Cure® 984-LVUF is qualified to IPC-CC-830-B.


Multi-Cure® 984-LVUF is UL recognized (UL 746C), rated indoor/outdoor to 120°C, and 94V-0 flame class. 全文 »


Hernon Polycure 744 Technical Data Sheet

Product Description

Hernon Polycure 744 is a single component, 100% solid system formulated for use on printed circuit boards. This coating can be cured in seconds by high intensity UV light. Low heat (10 minutes at 250ºF) can be used for curing the shaded area. The component may be removed for repair using conventional repair methods of abrasion or localized heat. The repaired part may be recoated off-line using an inexpensive UV light.


Product Benefits

  • • Easy to use.
  • • Cost effective.
  • • Single component, no mixing.
  • • 100% solid system (no solvents).
  • • Short cure cycles.
  • • Dual curing mechanism for shaded area.

全文 »


    • Name:QiuBo QQ:1808976
      Mobile Phone:13923499497



