
今天有幸与一位世界级的底填胶UNDERFILL高人及另一位EMC领域资深的人士交流了一个上午,收获良多, 交流的信息量比较大,记录几个亮点与大家分享,在未征得他们同意前就不把他们的身份做明示,业内人士估计也能猜到一二。



3)芯片级封装的UNDERFILL依旧被垄断,而PCB板级封装的UNDERFILL也是从其中演变而来,但由于使用者水平参差不齐,导致看上去的貌似百花齐放,而真正垄断市场的还是以汉高乐泰为主,不过国内外奋起直追者不少。中间谈到韩国元化学WON CHEMICAL的产品,这位高人也接触过,甚至当年去韩国三星多次“救驾”,在乐泰的3513系列产品被韩国元化学的WE-1007逐步替代的时候。不过发现这个也是替他人做了嫁衣(简言之就是韩国三星联合WON CHEMICAL一起在乐泰这里学了很多东西),导致乐泰底填产品全线从三星退出。中间还提到了SAMSUNG CHEIL(三星第一毛织)的unerfill,这个我也有印象,当时记得还帮他们把EL1200R卖给了当时的深圳天时达,不过UNDERFILL这个项目后来SAMSUNG CHEIL貌似放弃了。中间还提到了韩国的另一个公司但没记清楚。

4)每一次世界级公司的并购都会成就另外一些公司和个人, 一个现实的例子就是当初日本HYSOL被汉高收购的时候,他们的很多开发人员去了日本NAMICS,造就了NAMICS公司现在在芯片级UNDERFILL中的地位。不过当年汉高和国民淀粉电子部(EMERSONCUMING)的并购貌似也造成了尤其是乐泰电子部人员的动荡,包括研发和市场人员, 他们纷纷回国创业或者与国内本土企业合作,类似武汉晶丰、北京海斯迪克、烟台德邦等等公司都有他们的身影,还有部分人去了一些电子制造行业,例如前面提到的某公司等等。   当然还有这两位高人的公司(这里就不明示了)。相信随着他们的“回归”,国内应该很快可以成长起真正的高水准的电子胶水厂商(国内目前的胶粘剂龙头企业上市和准上市公司类似回天、硅宝、天山等其实都是在民用、建筑、工业胶粘剂颇有建树的,而电子胶水方面也都只是在开发阶段),请大家拭目以待!

5)透露一些“窃听”到的技术话题,研发的朋友可以关注一下哦,首先今天第一次听到关于胶粘剂ΔH值的概念,据说美国还有专门法规进行管控的,而类似很多配方的设计都是为了满足这个条件,而不光是为了操作性和功能性要求,这个值相信学过物理化学的朋友应该还是有印象的。但我个人估计国内做电子胶粘剂配方的研发人员估计没两个会考虑过这个参数的。另外交流中提到了美国一些化学公司为汉高乐泰专门开发的一些促进剂,谈到这里我更加佩服原来公司的时候UNDERFILL项目开发组的负责人曾工(ALEX ), 我相信他也是从化学原理角度找到这款分子式的物质,进而找到生产的产品的公司,而这个恰恰也是低粘度底填产品的最理想的促进剂之一。包括乐泰和EMERSONCUMING的一些配方中都有用到。 中间还提到了一些类似纳米核壳类的材料,这个我也是从曾工那里学习到的,所以有个同事戏称曾工为“流落民间的大内高手”真是一点也不为过,水平应该是超过了很多拿到硕士博士学位的人了。

6)今天信息量真的比较大,而且这位高手的语速奇快(很多搞技术的人好像都是这样的), 我一时半会消化不了,但对电子胶水行业的认知应该又会得到一个提升的,其中也探讨了很多关于行业的现状和发展的话题,这里就不再展开了。 碰巧今天在TWITTER上看到HENKEL公司发布的最新新闻《Henkel develops reworkable underfill》,是2012年3月12日发布的, 也难怪上午交流时说UF3800也快过时了,呵呵! 这个估计是最新的的产品UF3810。


New product for high value electronic components

Expanding on its portfolio of advanced underfill materials, Henkel has developed Loctite UF3810, a new underfill technology that provides high reliability while also allowing for easier reworkability as compared to previous generation products.
Expanding on its portfolio of advanced underfill materials, Henkel has developed Loctite UF3810, a new underfill technology that provides high reliability while also allowing for easier reworkability as compared to previous generation products.
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Henkel develops reworkable underfill

In today’s electronic devices such as smartphones there are numerous complex engineering components. Expanding on its portfolio of advanced underfill materials, Henkel has developed Loctite UF3810, a new underfill technology that provides extremely high reliability while also enabling easier reworkability as compared to previous generation products. Ideally suited for today’s handheld communication and entertainment applications, Loctite UF3810 delivers excellent drop and shock protection.

Designed to deliver superior performance and ease-of-use, Loctite UF3810 addresses many of the complex requirements associated with today’s high value devices, but does so in a formulation that has excellent processability. The material is halogen-free, completely reworkable and has a high glass transition (Tg) temperature of 100°C, thereby delivering robust thermal cycling reliability for next-generation wafer-level CSP (WLCSP) and PoP devices. “Assembly specialists want to reliably protect these devices but also have the option to rework them should any issues arise”, explains Dr. Brian Toleno, Henkel’s Global Product Manager for Liquids. “Loctite UF3810 provides high reliability and reworkability – a balance not readily available with traditional, low Tg formulas”, says Toleno.

High-capacity at a cost-saving production process
With increasing device complexity comes increasing cost. Loctite UF3810 is the go-to product for manufacturers seeking high reliability in a cost-conscious formulation and improved thermal cycling reliability for fine-pitch (0.5mm pitch and below) area array devices. In addition to superior performance versus alternative reworkable underfills, Loctite UF3810 also provides ease-of-use that lends to its process flexibility. The material flows fast and underfills at room temperature and cures quickly at a moderate 130°C which, in addition to its halogen-free status, adds to the material’s sustainability through reduced energy consumption requirements.

These characteristics, in combination with its proven solder compatibility, make Loctite UF3810 a highly versatile, yet highly effective underfill system Besides the handheld market other industries can also profit from Henkel’s products. “Loctite UF3810 has also attracted the attention of those in the aerospace and automotive sectors, as it allows incorporation of CSP and PoP devices without any adverse impact to reliability,“ Toleno closes.

For more information on Loctite UF3810 or any of Henkel’s next-generation underfills, log ontowww.henkel.com/electronics.

Henkel AG & Co. KGaA


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